Mery Hasmeda
Mery Hasmeda
Dr bidang Pertanian Unsri
在 pps.unsri.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Inhibition of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase by curcumin
M Hasmeda, GM Polya
Phytochemistry 42 (3), 599-605, 1996
Selective inhibition of eukaryote protein kinases by anti-inflammatory triterpenoids
M Hasmeda, G Kweifio-Okai, T Macrides, GM Polya
Planta Medica 65 (01), 014-018, 1999
Relative leaf expansion rate and other leaf-related indicators for detection of drought stress in chili pepper ('Capsicum annuum'L.)
LI Widuri, B Lakitan, M Hasmeda, E Sodikin, A Wijaya, M Meihana, ...
Australian journal of crop science 11 (12), 1617-1625, 2017
Inhibition of eukaryote protein kinases and of a cyclic nucleotide-binding phosphatase by prenylated xanthones
ZX Lu, M Hasmeda, W Mahabusarakam, B Ternai, PC Ternai, GM Polya
Chemico-biological interactions 114 (1-2), 121-140, 1998
Shoot and root growth in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) exposed to gradual drought stress
LI Widuri, B Lakitan, E Sodikin, M Hasmeda, M Meihana, K Kartika, ...
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 40 (3), 442-452, 2018
Karakter agronomi dan fisiologi varietas cabai merah pada kondisi cekaman genangan
S Susilawati, RA Suwignyo, M Munandar, M Hasmeda
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy 40 (3), 7847, 2012
Korelasi komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil pada pertanian terpadu padi-azolla
E Safriyani, M Hasmeda, M Munandar, F Sulaiman
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 7 (1), 59-65, 2018
Pengaruh panjang hari, asam indol asetat, dan fosfor terhadap tanaman kedelai dan kualitas benih dalam penyimpanan
R Hartawan, ZR Djafar, ZP Negara, M Hasmeda
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 39 (1), 2011
Technical efficiency and factors affecting rice production in tidal lowlands of South Sumatra province Indonesia.
KF Purba, M Yazid, M Hasmeda, D Adriani, MF Tafarini
Potravinarstvo 14 (1), 2020
Karakter agronomi dan toleransi varietas cabai merah akibat genangan pada fase generatif
S Susilawati, RA Suwignyo, M Munandar, M Hasmeda
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 1 (1), 2012
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil pada Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus sp) terhadap Biofortifikasi Unsur Hara Kalsium (Ca) dan Besi (Fe) dengan Sistem Hidroponik DFT (Deep Flow Technique)
M Hasmeda, IY Sari, M Munandar, M Ammar, F Gustiar
Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 9 (2021), 721-733, 2021
Optimasi Suhu Annealing untuk Amplifikasi Dna Padi Hasil Persilangan Varietas Tahan Terendam dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction
SL Aulia, RA Suwignyo, M Hasmeda
Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 18 (1), 44-54, 2021
Fertilization Strategy to Increase Rice Growth and Production Under Two Flooding Condition on Two Lowland Swamp Types
G Gribaldi, RA Suwignyo, M Hasmeda, R Hayati
AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (1), 64-72, 2016
Planting materials, shading effects, and non-destructive estimation of compound leaf area in konjac (Amorphophallus muelleri)
DF Nurshanti, B Lakitan, M Hasmeda, F Ferlinahayati, ZP Negara, ...
Trends in Sciences 19 (9), 3973-3973, 2022
Pengaruh Pemupukan terhadap Perubahan Morfofisiologi Dua Varietas Padi pada Kondisi Cekaman Rendaman
G Gribaldi, M Hasmeda, R Hayati
Indonesian Journal of Agronomy 42 (1), 77893, 2014
Genetic diversity and relationship of South Sumatran local rice and its backcrossed lines based on the matK gene.
F Adriansyah, M Hasmeda, RA Suwignyo, ES Halimi, U Sarimana
SABRAO Journal of Breeding & Genetics 53 (3), 2021
The sustainability of rice farming practices in tidal swamplands of South Sumatra Indonesia.
KF Purba, M Yazid, M Hasmeda, D Adriani, MF Tafarini
Slovak Journal of Food Sciences 15, 2021
The role of Azolla on improving nitrogen efficiency in rice cultivation
E Safriyani, M Hasmeda, M Munandar, F Sulaiman, H Holidi, K Kartika
Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology 10 (2), 3095-3102, 2020
Decaying Utricularia-biomass versus soil-based substrate for production of high quality pre-transplanted rice seedlings using floating seedbeds
F Ramadhani, B Lakitan, M Hasmeda
Australian Journal of Crop Science 12 (12), 1983-1988, 2018
Respirasi dan penurunan mutu benih karet selama penyimpanan
ZR Samjaya, ZR Djafar, ZP Negara, M Hasmeda, H Suryaningtiyas
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian Bidang Pertanian “Pertanian …, 2010
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