Gurvan Jodin
Gurvan Jodin
Teacher - researcher
在 ens-rennes.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamics of a hybrid morphing wing with active open loop vibrating trailing edge by time-resolved PIV and force measures
G Jodin, V Motta, J Scheller, E Duhayon, C Döll, JF Rouchon, M Braza
Journal of Fluids and Structures 74, 263-290, 2017
A robotic intelligent towing tank for learning complex fluid-structure dynamics
D Fan, G Jodin, TR Consi, L Bonfiglio, Y Ma, LR Keyes, GE Karniadakis, ...
Science Robotics 4 (36), eaay5063, 2019
Morphing of a supercritical wing by means of trailing edge deformation and vibration at high Reynolds numbers: Experimental and numerical investigation
N Simiriotis, G Jodin, A Marouf, P Elyakime, Y Hoarau, JCR Hunt, ...
Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102676, 2019
Optimized design of real-scale A320 morphing high-lift flap with shape memory alloys and innovative skin
G Jodin, YB Tekap, JM Saucray, JF Rouchon, M Triantafyllou, M Braza
Smart Materials and Structures 27 (11), 115005, 2018
A combined smart-materials approach for next-generation airfoils
J Scheller, G Jodin, KJ Rizzo, E Duhayon, JF Rouchon, M Triantafyllou, ...
Solid State Phenomena 251, 106-112, 2016
Implementation of a hybrid electro-active actuated morphing wing in wind tunnel
G Jodin, J Scheller, E Duhayon, JF Rouchon, M Braza
Solid state phenomena 260, 85-91, 2017
Dimensionnement d'une maquette pour l'investigation du morphing électroactif hybride en soufflerie subsonique
G Jodin, J Scheller, KJ Rizzo, E Duhayon, JF Rouchon, M Braza
22e Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015), 1-13, 2015
A hybrid morphing NACA4412 airfoil concept
J Scheller, KJ Rizzo, G Jodin, E Duhayon, JF Rouchon, M Braza
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1974-1978, 2015
Flexible dynamic pressure sensor for insole based on inverse viscoelastic model
ARA Laaraibi, G Jodin, D Hoareau, N Bideau, F Razan
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (7), 7634-7643, 2023
Life cycle assessment of a 150 kW electronic power inverter
B Baudais, H Ben Ahmed, G Jodin, N Degrenne, S Lefebvre
Energies 16 (5), 2192, 2023
Design of a large-scale high-lift morphing a320 wing based on electro-mechanical actuators and shape memory alloys
YT Bmegaptche Tekap, A Giraud, G Jodin, C Nadal, A Marouf, ...
AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2908, 2019
Synthetized inertial measurement units (IMUs) to evaluate the placement of wearable sensors on human body for motion recognition
D Hoareau, G Jodin, PA Chantal, S Bretin, J Prioux, F Razan
The Journal of Engineering 2022 (5), 536-543, 2022
Electroactive morphing on a supercritical wing targeting improved aerodynamic performance and flow control in high Reynolds numbers
N Simiriotis, G Jodin, A Marouf, Y Hoarau, JF Rouchon, M Braza
53rd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics 26, 28, 2018
Hybrid electroactive morphing at real scale-application to Airbus A320 wings
G Jodin
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2017
On the multidisciplinary control and sensing of a smart hybrid morphing wing
G Jodin, J Scheller, JF Rouchon, M Braza
2017 IEEE international workshop of electronics, control, measurement …, 2017
Fabrication and characterization of folded foils supporting streamwise traveling waves
S Calisch, N Gershenfeld, D Fan, G Jodin, M Triantafyllou
Journal of Fluids and Structures 91, 102563, 2019
An experimental platform for surface embedded SMAs in morphing applications
G Jodin, J Scheller, E Duhayon, JF Rouchon, M Triantafyllou, M Braza
Solid State Phenomena 260, 69-76, 2017
Li Ang
D Fan, G Jodin, M Triantafyllou, S Shi
Education 2020, 2012
Available Kinetic Energy Sources on the Human Body during Sports Activities: A Numerical Approach Based on Accelerometers for Cantilevered Piezoelectric Harvesters
D Hoareau, G Jodin, ARA Laaraibi, J Prioux, F Razan
Energies 16 (6), 2695, 2023
Electroactive morphing vibrating trailing edge of a cambered wing: PIV, turbulence manipulation and velocity effects
G Jodin, JF Rouchon, J Schller, N Simiriotis, M Triantafyllou, S Cazin, ...
Advances in Critical Flow Dynamics Involving Moving/Deformable Structures …, 2021
文章 1–20