Wiwiek Adawiyah
Wiwiek Adawiyah
Associate Professor of Management, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
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Scaling the notion of Islamic spirituality in the workplace
WR Adawiyah, BA Pramuka
Journal of Management Development 36 (7), 877-898, 2017
Faktor Penghambat Pertumbuhan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM): Studi di Kabupaten Banyumas
WR Adawiyah
Proceeding of International Conference Sustainable Competitive Advantage 1 (1), 2013
Pengaruh employee engagement dan kepuasan kerja terhadap organizational citizenship behavior (ocb) serta dampaknya terhadap turnover intention
M Fauziridwan, WR Adawiyah, AA Ahmad
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi 20 (1), 2018
Linking psychological empowerment, knowledge sharing, and employees’ innovative behavior in SMEs
I Helmy, WR Adawiyah, A Banani
The Journal of Behavioral Science 14 (2), 66-79, 2019
The impact of religiosity, environmental marketing orientation and practices on performance: A case of Muslim entrepreneurs in Indonesia
P Hari Adi, WR Adawiyah
Journal of Islamic Marketing 9 (4), 841-862, 2018
Pertimbangan, pengetahuan, dan sikap konsumen individu terhadap bank syariah
WR Adawiyah
lppmums, 2010
Analisis tingkat kepatuhan pemakaian alat pelindung diri mahasiswa profesi dokter gigi di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Unsoed
IP Dewi, WR Adawiyah, L Rujito
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi 21 (4), 2020
The multi-stakeholder’s role in an integrated mentoring model for SMEs in the creative economy sector
S Rosyadi, AS Kusuma, E Fitrah, A Haryanto, W Adawiyah
SAGE Open 10 (4), 2158244020963604, 2020
Exploring the impact of workplace spirituality on nurse work engagement: an empirical study on Indonesian government hospitals
M Iqbal, WR Adawiyah, A Suroso, F Wihuda
International Journal of Ethics and Systems 36 (3), 351-369, 2020
Workplace spirituality as a moderator in the relationship between soft TQM and organizational commitment
WR Adawiyah, MNM Shariff, MB Saud, SSM Mokhtar
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2 (10), 93-100, 2011
Linking empowering leadership to employee service innovative behavior: A study from the hotel industry
F Wihuda, AA Kurniawan, AI Kusumah, WR Adawiyah
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 65 (3), 294-313, 2017
How e-wallets encourage excessive spending behavior among young adult consumers?
HM Aji, WR Adawiyah
Journal of Asia Business Studies 16 (6), 868-884, 2022
Fostering frontline employees’ innovative service behavior: The role of workplace friendship and knowledge sharing process
I Helmy, WR Adawiyah, HA Setyawati
Organizacija 53 (3), 185-197, 2020
Co-opetition to promote growth of batik small and medium enterprises
M Pinasti, WR Adawiyah
International Journal of Business and Society 17 (3), 2016
Pengujian model Hot Fit pada sistem informasi manajemen obat di instalasi farmasi Rsgmp Unsoed Purwokerto
I Soraya, WR Adawiyah, E Sutrisna
Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, dan Akuntansi 21 (1), 2019
The role of social media browsing intention for behavioral outcomes of young consumers
P Hari Adi, F Wihuda, W Rabiatul Adawiyah
Market-Tržište 29 (1), 39-57, 2017
Integrating workplace spirituality, total quality management, and job satisfaction
WR Adawiyah, R Purnomo, BA Pramuka, Z Sholikhah
International Journal of Business and Society 21 (2), 749-766, 2020
Workplace deviant behavior among employees of Islamic-based universities in Lampung: the moderating role of Islamic workplace spirituality
E Pariyanti, A Rosid, WR Adawiyah
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 14 (4), 1567-1591, 2022
Accelerating small firms’ production process improvement through international market knowledge and valuable, rare, inimitable, and organized resources and capabilities
ME Kaukab, WR Adawiyah, RP Setyanto, A Suroso
Business: Theory and Practice 21 (1), 322-328, 2020
Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat (Community Based Rural Tourism) Di Desa Papringan
WR Adawiyah, A Praptapa
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, 2017
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