John Quinn
Active and passive use of green space, health, and well-being amongst university students
EW Holt, QK Lombard, N Best, S Smiley-Smith, JE Quinn
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (3), 424, 2019
Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America
SB Hager, BJ Cosentino, MA Aguilar-Gómez, ML Anderson, ...
Biological Conservation 212, 209-215, 2017
Conservation opportunities across the world's anthromes
LJ Martin, JE Quinn, EC Ellis, MR Shaw, MA Dorning, LM Hallett, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (7), 745-755, 2014
Relational values in agroecosystem governance
KE Allen, CE Quinn, C English, JE Quinn
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2018
The effects of land sparing and wildlife-friendly practices on grassland bird abundance within organic farmlands
JE Quinn, JR Brandle, RJ Johnson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 161, 10-16, 2012
Global Perspectives on Birds in Agricultural Landscapes
RJ Johnson, JA Jedlicka, JE Quinn, JR Brandle
Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the …, 2011
Zoning does not improve the availability of ecosystem services in urban watersheds. A case study from Upstate South Carolina, USA
MG Brown, JE Quinn
Ecosystem Services, 2018
Identifying opportunities for conservation embedded in cropland anthromes
JE Quinn, RJ Johnson, JR Brandle
Landscape Ecology 29 (10), 1811-1819, 2014
A farm-scale biodiversity and ecosystem services assessment tool: the healthy farm index
J Quinn, J Brandle, R Johnson
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11 (2), 176-192, 2013
Correlates of bird collisions with buildings across three North American countries
JA Elmore, SB Hager, BJ Cosentino, TJ O'Connell, CS Riding, ...
Conservation Biology 35 (2), 654-665, 2021
Combining habitat loss and agricultural intensification improves our understanding of drivers of change in avian abundance in a North American cropland anthrome
JE Quinn, T Awada, F Trindade, L Fulginiti, R Perrin
Ecology and Evolution 7 (3), 803-814, 2017
Application of detectability in the use of indicator species: A case study with birds
JE Quinn, JR Brandle, RJ Johnson, AJ Tyre
Ecological Indicators, 2011
Application of a coupled human natural system framework to organize and frame challenges and opportunities for biodiversity conservation on private lands
JE Quinn, JM Wood
Ecology and Sociey 22 (1), 39, 2017
Application of Anthromes to Frame Scenario Planning for Landscape-Scale Conservation Decision Making
D Gibson, JE Quinn
Land 6 (2), 33, 2017
Digging Deeper: A Case Study of Farmer Conceptualization of Ecosystem Services in the American South
C Quinn, JE Quinn, A Halfacre
Environmental Management, 2015
Variation in avian vocalizations during the non‐breeding season in response to traffic noise
AI Oden, M Bomberger Brown, ME Burbach, JR Brandle, JE Quinn
Ethology 121 (5), 472-479, 2015
Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) in an Agriculturally-Dominated Watershed, Southeastern USA
CB Andersen, RK Donovan, JE Quinn
Land 4 (2), 513-540, 2015
Local and landscape metrics identify opportunities for conserving cavity-nesting birds in a rapidly urbanizing ecoregion
JM Wood, JE Quinn
Journal of Urban Ecology 2 (1), juw003, 2016
Sharing a vision for biodiversity conservation and agriculture
JE Quinn
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 28 (1), 93-96, 2013
Sustainability assessment of a community open space vision
M Cohen, JE Quinn, D Marshall, T Sharp
Sustainability science 14 (6), 1565-1580, 2019
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