Andrea Báez Montenegro
Using contingent valuation and cost-benefit analysis to design a policy for restoring cultural heritage
A Báez, LC Herrero
Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (3), 235-245, 2012
Linking farming systems to landscape change: An empirical and spatially explicit study in southern Chile
A Carmona, L Nahuelhual, C Echeverría, A Báez
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (1-2), 40-50, 2010
Valuing cultural ecosystem services: Agricultural heritage in Chiloé island, southern Chile
J Barrena, L Nahuelhual, A Báez, I Schiappacasse, C Cerda
Ecosystem Services 7, 66-75, 2014
Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in the case of a film festival: differences between local and non-local participants
A Báez-Montenegro, M Devesa-Fernández
Journal of Cultural Economics 41, 173-195, 2017
Repercusiones económicas y sociales de los festivales culturales: el caso del Festival Internacional de Cine de Valdivia
M Devesa, A Báez, V Figueroa, LC Herrero
EURE (Santiago) 38 (115), 95-115, 2012
Segmenting and profiling attendees of a film festival
A Báez, M Devesa
International Journal of Event and Festival Management 5 (2), 96-115, 2014
Inhabitants' willingness to pay for cultural heritage: a case study in Valdivia, Chile, using contingent valuation
A Báez-Montenegro, AM Bedate, LC Herrero, JÁ Sanz
Journal of Applied Economics 15 (2), 235-258, 2012
The valuation of historical sites: a case study of Valdivia, Chile
AB Montenegro, MN Huaquin, LC Herrero Prieto
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52 (1), 97-109, 2009
Analysing how cultural factors influence the efficiency of tourist destinations in Chile
V Figueroa, LC Herrero, A Báez, M Gómez
International Journal of Tourism Research 20 (1), 11-24, 2018
Estudio preliminar del uso de un protocolo para evaluar el bienestar de vacas lecheras usando observaciones basadas en el animal
C Arraño, A Báez, E Flor, HR Whay, N Tadich
Archivos de medicina veterinaria 39 (3), 239-245, 2007
Efecto de aceites esenciales de lavanda y laurel sobre el ácaro Varroa destructor Anderson & Truemann (Acari: Varroidae)
M Neira, P Heinsohn, A Báez, J Fuentealba
Agricultura técnica 64 (3), 238-244, 2004
Do people prefer natural landscapes? An empirical study in Chile
L Nahuelhual, P Laterra, D Jiménez, A Báez, C Echeverría, R Fuentes
Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018
Contingent valuation and motivation analysis of tourist routes: Application to the cultural heritage of Valdivia (Chile)
A Báez-Montenegro, AB Centeno, JÁS Lara, LCH Prieto
Tourism Economics 22 (3), 558-571, 2016
Factors determining attendance at a film festival
M Devesa, A Báez, V Figueroa, LC Herrero
Event management 19 (3), 317-330, 2015
Antibacterial activity of copper salts against microorganisms isolated from chronic infected wounds
N Febre, V Silva, A Baez, H Palza, K Delgado, I Aburto, V Silva
rev Med chile 144, 1523-1530, 2016
Relación entre variables sociales, productivas y económicas en 16 predios campesinos lecheros de la provincia de Valdivia, Chile
J Lerdon, A Báez, G Azócar
Archivos de medicina veterinaria 40 (2), 179-185, 2008
Mapa de ruido de la comuna de Santiago de Chile mediante modelación
E Suárez, JL Barros, A Báez, J Stevens, R Romero, J Álvarez, C González, ...
Proceedings Congreso Internacional de Acústica y Audio Profesional, 2011
Biogenic amine content in C hilean G auda cheese: physico‐chemical and microbiological factors that may influence this content
C Brito, N Cid, O Muñoz, A Báez, M Horzella
International Journal of Dairy Technology 67 (4), 554-561, 2014
Informe de tres casos de rabia paralítica y babesiosis bovina en el municipio de Aldama, Tamaulipas
R Ramírez Romero, A González Báez, AM Nevárez Garza, ...
Veterinaria México 42 (4), 331-338, 2011
Las rocas fosfóricas y sus posiblidades de uso agrícola en Chile
M Besoain, W Rojas, B Montenegro
INIA La Platina, 1999
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