Leenawaty Limantara
Leenawaty Limantara
Universitas Kristen Petra
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Analysis on the chlorophyll content of commercial green leafy vegetables
L Limantara, M Dettling, R Indrawati, THP Brotosudarmo
Procedia Chemistry 14, 225-231, 2015
Structures of astaxanthin and their consequences for therapeutic application
THP Brotosudarmo, L Limantara, E Setiyono, Heriyanto
International Journal of Food Science 2020 (1), 2156582, 2020
Ragam metode ekstraksi karotenoid dari sumber tumbuhan dalam dekade terakhir (telaah literatur)
HS Maleta, R Indrawati, L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 13 (1), 40-50, 2018
Photostability of Bacteriochlorophyll a and Derivatives: Potential Sensitizers for Photodynamic Tumor Therapy
L Limantara, P Koehler, B Wilhelm, RJ Porra, H Scheer
Photochemistry and photobiology 82 (3), 770-780, 2006
Pengaruh proses pengeringan rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza roxb) terhadap kandungan dan komposisi kurkuminoid
B Cahyono, M Diah Khoirul Huda, L Limantara
Peer Review dll, 2011
Encapsulation of brown seaweed pigment by freeze drying: characterization and its stability during storage
R Indrawati, H Sukowijoyo, RDE Wijayanti, L Limantara
Procedia chemistry 14, 353-360, 2015
Identification, isolation and antioxidant activity of pheophytin from green tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze)
L Kusmita, I Puspitaningrum, L Limantara
Procedia Chemistry 14, 232-238, 2015
Effects of Nonpolar and Polar Solvents on the Qx and QY Energies of Bacteriochlorophyll a and Bacteriopheophytin a
L Limantara, S Sakamoto, Y Koyama, H Nagae
Photochemistry and photobiology 65 (2), 330-337, 1997
KAROTENOID DARI MAKROALGAE DAN MIKROALGAE: POTENSI KESEHATAN APLIKASI DAN BIOTEKNOLOGI [Carotenoids from Macroalgae and Microalgae: Health Potential, Application and …
H de Fretes, AB Susanto, B Prasetyo, L Limantara
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 23 (2), 221, 2012
Generation of Triplet and Cation-Radical Bacteriochlorophyll a in Carotenoidless LH1 and LH2 Antenna Complexes from Rhodobacter sphaeroides
L Limantara, R Fujii, JP Zhang, T Kakuno, H Hara, A Kawamori, T Yagura, ...
Biochemistry 37 (50), 17469-17486, 1998
Composition of photosynthetic pigments in a red alga Kappaphycus alvarezi cultivated in different depths
L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Procedia Chemistry 14, 193-201, 2015
Antibacterial Activity of a Pigment Producing-bacterium Associatd with Halimeda SP. From Eland-locked Marine Lake Kakaban, Indonesia
OK Radjasa, L Limantara, A Sabdono
Journal of Coastal Development 12 (2), 100-104, 2009
Peranan karotenoid alami dalam menangkal radikal bebas di dalam tubuh
TD Panjaitan, B Prasetyo, L Limantara
Universitas Sumatera Utara (79-86).[Online]. Tersedia: repository. usu. ac …, 2010
Optimasi proses ekstraksi fukosantin rumput laut coklat padina australis hauck menggunakan pelarut organik polar
L Limantara, H Heriyanto
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 16 (2), 86-94, 2011
Analysis of pigment composition of brown seaweeds collected from Panjang Island, Central Java, Indonesia
H Heriyanto, Y Shioi, L Limantara, THP Brotosudarmo
Philippine Journal of Science 146 (3), 323-330, 2017
The composition and the content of pigments from some dyeing plant for Ikat weaving in Timorrese regency, East Nusa Tenggara
NH Ati, P Rahayu, S Notosoedarmo, L Limantara
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 6 (3), 325-331, 2006
Pigmen spirulina sebagai senyawa antikanker
P Pirenantyo, L Limantara
Indonesian Journal of Cancer 2 (4), 2008
Studi Komposisi Pigmen Dan Kandungan Fukosantin Rumput Laut Cokelat Dari Perairan Madura Dengan Kromatogra Cair Kinerja Tinggi
L Limantara, H Heriyanto
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 15 (1), 23-32, 2012
Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Bixin pigment from Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) seeds
PT Kurniawati, H Soetjipto, L Limantara
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 7 (1), 88-92, 2007
Komposisi dan Kandungan Pigmen Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Tenun Ikat di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
NH Ati, P Rahayu, S Notosoedarmo, L Limantara
J. Chem 6 (3), 325-331, 2006
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