Felipe Bastos de Freitas Rachid
Felipe Bastos de Freitas Rachid
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Federal Fluminense
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Numerical simulation of stratified-pattern two-phase flow in gas pipelines using a two-fluid model
AB Figueiredo, RM Baptista, FB de Freitas Rachid, GCR Bodstein
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 88, 30-49, 2017
Modelling of hydraulic transient in damageable elasto-viscoplastic piping systems
FB de Freitas Rachid, RMS da Gama, H da Costa Mattos
Applied mathematical modelling 18 (4), 207-215, 1994
Modelling of pipeline integrity taking into account the fluid–structure interaction
FBF Rachid, HSC Mattos
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 28 (2), 337-355, 1998
Predicting mixing volumes in serial transport in pipelines
FBF Rachid, JHC de Araujo, RM Baptista
J. Fluids Eng. 124 (2), 528-534, 2002
Transients in liquid and structure in viscoelastic pipes
FBF Rachid, S Stuckenbruck
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pressure Surges, 69-84, 1990
Numerical solution of fluid–structure interaction in piping systems by Glimm's method
RG da Rocha, FB de Freitas Rachid
Journal of Fluids and Structures 28, 392-415, 2012
A thermodynamically consistent model for cavitating flows of compressible fluids
FBF Rachid
International journal of non-linear mechanics 38 (7), 1007-1018, 2003
Modelling the damage induced by pressure transients in elasto-plastic pipes
FBF Rachid, HSC Mattos
Meccanica 33, 139-160, 1998
Numerical simulation of pig motion in gas and liquid pipelines using the Flux-Corrected Transport method
RAC Patricio, RM Baptista, FB de Freitas Rachid, GCR Bodstein
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 189, 106970, 2020
A new model for fluid transients in piping systems taking into account the fluid–structure interaction
DM Andrade, FB de Freitas Rachid, AS Tijsseling
Journal of Fluids and Structures 114, 103720, 2022
Fluid-structure interaction in elasto-viscoplastic piping systems
FB Freitas Rachid, HS Costa Mattos, S Stuckenbruck
Proc. of 1st ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engrg. Conf., FED 107, 65-73, 1991
Numerical simulation of non-isothermal two-phase flow in pipelines using a two-fluid model
CN Sondermann, RM Baptista, FB de Freitas Rachid, GCR Bodstein
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 173, 298-314, 2019
Estimating mixing volumes between batches in multiproduct pipelines
RM Baptista, FB de Freitas Rachid, JH Carneiro de Araujo
International Pipeline Conference 40252, V002T08A008, 2000
A versatile friction model for Newtonian liquids flowing under unsteady regimes in pipes
DM Andrade, FB de Freitas Rachid
Meccanica 57 (1), 43-72, 2022
Modeling of release and absorption of gas in liquid–gas flows within a consistent thermodynamic framework
AB da Silva, FB de Freitas Rachid
International Journal of Engineering Science 66, 21-43, 2013
Mixing volume evaluation under pumping shut-down conditions
RM Baptista, FBF Rachid, JHC de Araujo
PSIG Annual Meeting, PSIG-0111, 2001
Water hammer in inelastic pipes: an approach via internal variable constitutive theory
FBF Rachid, HC Mattos, S Stuckenbruck
En Proceedings of the International Conference on Unsteady Flow and Fluid …, 1992
Fluid transients in viscoelastic pipes via an internal variable constitutive theory
DM Andrade, FB de Freitas Rachid, AS Tijsseling
Applied Mathematical Modelling 114, 846-869, 2023
A hyperbolic mathematical modeling for describing the transition saturated/unsaturated in a rigid porous medium
ML Martins-Costa, DM Alegre, FB de Freitas Rachid, LGCM Jardim, ...
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 95, 168-177, 2017
On the suitability of the low Mach number assumption in the modeling of the damage induced by pressure transients in piping systems
FB Freitas Rachid, HS Costa Mattos
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