Haitao Wang
Haitao Wang
在 agr.uni-goettingen.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to reduce gaseous nitrogen emissions from fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate and urea
H Wang, S Köbke, K Dittert
Global Ecology and Conservation 22, e00933, 2020
Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to decrease yield-scaled N2O emissions from winter wheat and oilseed rape fields: a two-year field experiment
H Wang, S Ma, G Shao, K Dittert
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 319, 107552, 2021
The potential of ryegrass as cover crop to reduce soil N2O emissions and increase the population size of denitrifying bacteria
H Wang, L Beule, H Zang, B Pfeiffer, S Ma, P Karlovsky, K Dittert
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (3), 1447-1461, 2021
Straw amendments did not induce high N2O emissions in non‐frozen wintertime conditions: A study in northern Germany
H Wang, S Ma, K Dittert
Soil Use and Management 36 (4), 693-703, 2020
Climate overrides effects of fertilizer and straw management as controls of nitrous oxide emissions after oilseed rape harvest
S Köbke, H He, M Böldt, H Wang, M Senbayram, K Dittert
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 773901, 2022
The addition of magnesium sulfate and borax to urea reduced soil NH3 emissions but increased N2O emissions from soil with grass
H Wang, L Oertelt, K Dittert
Science of The Total Environment 803, 149902, 2022
White Clover does not Increase Soil N2O Emissions Compared to Ryegrass in Non-Frozen Winter, but Increases CH4 Uptake
G Shao, J Ai, MA Dippold, L Fan, M Dorodnikov, B Liang, K Dittert, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 1-11, 2024
End water content determines the magnitude of N2O pulse from nitrifier denitrification after rewetting a fluvo-aquic soil
S Ma, L Xia, X Li, H Wang, Q Huang, L Ma
Global Ecology and Conservation 31, e01824, 2021
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