Maya Rahmayanti
Maya Rahmayanti
Departement of Chemistry, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
在 uin-suka.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Green synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles using peel extract of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) for methylene blue adsorption from aqueous media
M Rahmayanti, AN Syakina, I Fatimah, T Sulistyaningsih
Chemical Physics Letters 803, 139834, 2022
Hubungan antara pengungkapan, informasi asimetri dan biaya modal
M Nuryatno, N Nazir, M Rahmayanti
Jurnal Informasi, Perpajakan, Akuntansi, Dan Keuangan Publik 2 (1), 9-26, 2007
Comparative Study on the Adsorption of [AuCl 4]–onto Salicylic Acid and Gallic Acid Modified Magnetite Particles
M Rahmayanti, SJ Santosa, S Sutarno
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 16 (3), 329-337, 2016
Study of adsorption-desorption on batik industrial dyes (naphthol blue black) on magnetite modified humic acid (HA-Fe3O4)
M Rahmayanti, E Yunita, NFY Putri
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 23 (7), 244-248, 2020
Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles Using The Reverse Co-precipitation method with NH4OH as precipitating agent and its stability test at various pH
M Rahmayanti
Natural Science: Journal Of Science And Technology 9 (3), 54-58, 2020
Sutarno. 2016. Mechanisms of Gold Recovery from Aqueous Solutions using Gallic acid-modified Magnetite Particles Synthesized via Reverse Co-precipitation Method
M Rahmayanti, SJ Santosa
International Journal of ChemTech Research 9 (4), 446-452, 0
Efektivitas biji asam jawa sebagai koagulan alami dalam menurunkan konsentrasi zat warna remazol red dan nilai COD
SWR Pembayun, M Rahmayanti
JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi) 9 (2), 162-169, 2020
Characterization and application of chitosan as a natural coagulant in reducing remazol red dyestuff concentration and COD value of batik liquid waste
RA Safitri, M Rahmayanti
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 23 (9), 333-337, 2020
Isolasi asam humat dari tanah gambut Sumatera dan Kalimantan dan analisis kandungan gugus fungsionalnya
M Rahmayanti, E Yunita, MN Prandini
Integrated Lab Journal 7 (2), 132-139, 2019
Isolation, characterization and application of humin from sumatran peat soils as adsorbent for naphtol blue black and indigosol blue dyes
M Rahmayanti, I Nurhikmah, F Larasati
Molekul 16 (1), 67-74, 2021
Sonochemical co-precipitation synthesis of gallic acid-modified magnetite
M Rahmayanti, SJ Santosa, S Sutarno
Advanced Materials Research 1101, 286-289, 2015
Desorption of indigosol blue from humic acid coated Fe3O4 particles
WN Latifah, M Rahmayanti
Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 3, 169-170, 2020
Effect pH adsorption of naphtol dye using Humic acid adsorbent result of peat isolation from kalimantan
MN Prandini, M Rahmayanti
Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 3, 147-151, 2020
Application of Humic Acid Isolated From Kalimatan Peat Soil Modifying Magnetite for Recovery of Gold
M Rahmayanti, G Abdillah, SJ Santosa, S Sutarno
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 8 (2), 77-83, 2020
Adsorpsi-Desorpsi Zat Warna Naftol Blue Black Menggunakan Adsorben Humin Hasil Isolasi Tanah Gambut Riau, Sumatera
SR Fuadah, M Rahmayanti
Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, 59-67, 2019
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Magnetit (Fe3O4): Studi Komparasi Metode Konvensional dan Metode Sonokimia
M Rahmayanti
Al Ulum: Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi 6 (1), 26-31, 2020
Effect of solution ph to indigosol blue adsorption on humic acid isolated from kalimantan peat oil
GC Santi, M Rahmayanti
Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 2, 193-195, 2019
Kontribusi kebakaran lahan gambut terhadap pemanasan global
M Rahmayanti, M SI
Kaunia Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 3 (2), 2007
Modified Humic Acid from Peat Soils with Magnetite (Ha-Fe3O4) by Using Sonochemical Technology for Gold Recovery
M Rahmayanti, SJ Santosa, S Sutarno
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 9 (2), 81-87, 2020
The interaction mechanism of papaya seeds (Carica papaya L.) as a natural coagulant and remazol red under different pH conditions
VMI Dewi, M Rahmayanti
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research 10 (1), 14-18, 2022
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