The world is more just for me than generally: About the personal belief in a just world scale's validity C Dalbert Social justice research 12, 79-98, 1999 | 1118 | 1999 |
The importance of distinguishing the belief in a just world for self versus for others: Implications for psychological well-being IM Lipkusa, C Dalbert, IC Siegler Personality and social psychology bulletin 22 (7), 666-677, 1996 | 779 | 1996 |
The justice motive as a personal resource: Dealing with challenges and critical life events C Dalbert Springer Science & Business Media, 2001 | 693 | 2001 |
Glaube an eine gerechte Welt als Motiv: Validierungskorrelate zweier Skalen C Dalbert, L Montada, M Schmitt Psychologische Beiträge 29 (4), 596-615, 1987 | 595 | 1987 |
Belief in a just world C Dalbert Handbook of individual differences in social behavior, 288-297, 2009 | 377 | 2009 |
Beliefs in a just world as a buffer against anger C Dalbert Social Justice Research 15, 123-145, 2002 | 358 | 2002 |
Student violence against teachers: Teachers' well-being and the belief in a just world J Dzuka, C Dalbert European Psychologist 12 (4), 253-260, 2007 | 335 | 2007 |
Perfectionism and the Big Five: Conscientiousness predicts longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism J Stoeber, K Otto, C Dalbert Personality and Individual Differences 47 (4), 363-368, 2009 | 312 | 2009 |
Thinking about justice and dealing with one’s own privileges: A study of existential guilt L Montada, M Schmitt, C Dalbert Justice in social relations, 125-143, 1986 | 302 | 1986 |
Subjektives Wohlbefinden junger Erwachsener: Theoretische und empirische Analysen der Struktur und Stabilität. C Dalbert Zeitschrift für differentielle und diagnostische Psychologie, 1992 | 272 | 1992 |
School bullying: Belief in a personal just world of bullies, victims, and defenders I Correia, C Dalbert European Psychologist 13 (4), 248-254, 2008 | 269 | 2008 |
The personal belief in a just world and domain-specific beliefs about justice at school and in the family: A longitudinal study with adolescents C Dalbert, J Stoeber International Journal of Behavioral Development 30 (3), 200-207, 2006 | 261 | 2006 |
Belief in a just world and its functions for young prisoners K Otto, C Dalbert Journal of Research in Personality 39 (6), 559-573, 2005 | 247 | 2005 |
A just and an unjust world: Structure and validity of different world beliefs C Dalbert, IM Lipkus, H Sallay, I Goch Personality and Individual Differences 30 (4), 561-577, 2001 | 246 | 2001 |
Posttraumatic symptoms, depression, and anxiety of flood victims: The impact of the belief in a just world K Otto, A Boos, C Dalbert, D Schöps, J Hoyer Personality and individual differences 40 (5), 1075-1084, 2006 | 232 | 2006 |
Belief in a just world, justice concerns, and well-being at Portuguese schools I Correia, C Dalbert European Journal of Psychology of Education 22, 421-437, 2007 | 211 | 2007 |
Belief in a just world, well-being, and coping with an unjust fate C Dalbert Responses to victimizations and belief in a just world, 87-105, 1998 | 197 | 1998 |
Mental Health and Personality of Slovak Unemployed Adolescents: The Impact of Belief in a Just World1 J Dzuka, C Dalbert Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (4), 732-757, 2002 | 177 | 2002 |
Die ungewißheitstoleranzskala: skaleneigenschaften und validierungsbefunde C Dalbert | 154 | 1999 |
The belief in a just world and distress at school C Dalbert, J Stoeber Social Psychology of Education 8, 123-135, 2005 | 142 | 2005 |