DELAFIN Pierre-Luc
DELAFIN Pierre-Luc
Lecturer, Grenoble-INP
在 univ-grenoble-alpes.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Structural optimisation of vertical-axis wind turbine composite blades based on finite element analysis and genetic algorithm
L Wang, A Kolios, T Nishino, PL Delafin, T Bird
Composite Structures 153, 123-138, 2016
Effect of the number of blades and solidity on the performance of a vertical axis wind turbine
PL Delafin, T Nishino, L Wang, A Kolios
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2), 022033, 2016
Effect of the laminar separation bubble induced transition on the hydrodynamic performance of a hydrofoil
PL Delafin, F Deniset, JA Astolfi
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 46, 190-200, 2014
Numerical study of airfoil stall cells using a very wide computational domain
L Manni, T Nishino, PL Delafin
Computers & Fluids 140, 260-269, 2016
Comparison of low-order aerodynamic models and RANS CFD for full scale 3D vertical axis wind turbines
PL Delafin, T Nishino, A Kolios, L Wang
Renewable Energy 109, 564-575, 2017
Performance improvement of a darrieus tidal turbine with active variable pitch
PL Delafin, F Deniset, JA Astolfi, F Hauville
Energies 14 (3), 667, 2021
Fluid structure interaction modelling of a novel 10MW vertical-axis wind turbine rotor based on computational fluid dynamics and finite element analysis
L Wang, A Kolios, PL Delafin, T Nishino, T Bird
Proceedings of the EWEA 2015 Annual Event, Paris, France, 17-20, 2015
Theoretically optimal turbine resistance in very large wind farms
A Zapata, T Nishino, PL Delafin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854 (1), 012051, 2017
Analyse de l'écoulement transitionnel sur un hydrofoil: application aux hydroliennes à axe transverse avec contrôle actif de l'angle de calage
PL Delafin
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2014
Blade-resolved CFD simulations of a periodic array of NREL 5 MW rotors with and without towers
L Ma, PL Delafin, P Tsoutsanis, A Antoniadis, T Nishino
Wind 2 (1), 51-67, 2022
Comparison of RANS CFD and lower-order aerodynamic models for 3D Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
P Delafin, T Nishino, L Wang, A Kolios, T Bird
EWEA, 2015
Momentum balance in a fully developed boundary layer over a staggered array of NREL 5MW rotors
PL Delafin, T Nishino
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854 (1), 012009, 2017
A methodology to capture the single blade loads on a cross-flow tidal turbine flume model
T Bennecke, K Ruiz-Hussmann, P Joedecke, S Abbaszadeh, PL Delafin, ...
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Objective Functions for the Blade Shape Optimisation of a Cross-Flow Tidal Turbine under Constraints
K Ruiz-Hussmann, PL Delafin, C Bonamy, Y Delannoy, D Thévenin, ...
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Experimental Optimization Environment for Developing an Intracycle Pitch Control in Cross Flow Turbines
S Hoerner, R Leidhold, S Abbaszadeh, K Ruiz-Hussmann, T Bennecke, ...
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 15, 2023
Numerical study of an innovative cross-flow turbine
Q Clémençot, PL Delafin, T Maître
17èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, 2020
Mesh sensitivity of vertical axis turbine wakes for farm simulations
PL Delafin, S Guillou, J Sommeria, T Maître
Proceedings of the Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest, France, 26-30, 2019
Numerical Study of Bi-axial Cross-flow Turbine
Q Clémençot, PL Delafin, T Maître
The 14th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 2021
An adaptive 3D force distribution model for calculating interactions and power production in an array of vertical axis water turbines
V Clary, PL Delafin, T Maître, T Oudart
7th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop, 2019
A simplified aerodynamic model for floating VAWTs
E Cicirello, M Collu, PL Delafin, T Nishino, S Zanforlin
Euromech Colloquium 583 Scientific and Technological Challenges in Offshore …, 2016
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