Fabian T. C. Schmidt
Fabian T. C. Schmidt
Hildesheim University
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Measuring grit
FTC Schmidt, J Fleckenstein, J Retelsdorf, L Eskreis-Winkler, J Möller
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2017
Same same, but different? Relations between facets of conscientiousness and grit
FTC Schmidt, G Nagy, J Fleckenstein, J Möller, JAN Retelsdorf
European journal of personality 32 (6), 705-720, 2018
Accuracy of teachers' judgments of students' cognitive abilities: A meta-analysis
N Machts, J Kaiser, FTC Schmidt, J Moeller
Educational Research Review 19, 85-103, 2016
New wine in an old bottle? A facet-level perspective on the added value of Grit over BFI–2 Conscientiousness
FTC Schmidt, CM Lechner, D Danner
PLoS One 15 (2), e0228969, 2020
A new measure of reading habit: Going beyond behavioral frequency
FTC Schmidt, J Retelsdorf
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1364, 2016
Wer hat Biss? Beharrlichkeit und beständiges Interesse von Lehramtsstudierenden
J Fleckenstein, FTC Schmidt, J Möller
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 61 (4), 281-286, 2014
Still Green at Fifteen? Investigating Environmental Awareness of the PISA 2015 Population: Cross-National Differences and Correlates
MK List, FTC Schmidt, D Mundt, D Föste-Eggers
Sustainability 17 (2), 2985, 2020
Psychometric assessment of the Short Grit Scale among Czech young adults
FTC Schmidt, F Sudzina, M Botek
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39 (4), 508-513, 2021
Self-control outdoes fluid reasoning in explaining vocational and academic performance—But does it?
FTC Schmidt, C Lindner, JM Etzel, J Retelsdorf
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 757, 2020
Educational stays abroad and the development of self-perceived grit: A longitudinal analysis in young adulthood
F Wolff, FTC Schmidt, C Borzikowsky, J Möller, J Wagner
Current Psychology, 1-16, 2020
Conscientiousness and cognitive ability as predictors of academic achievement: Evidence of synergistic effects from integrative data analysis
J Meyer, O Lüdtke, FTC Schmidt, J Fleckenstein, U Trautwein, O Köller
European Journal of Personality 38 (1), 36-52, 2024
Kompetenzen im Fach Mathematik
N Kampa, O Köller, FTC Schmidt, M Leucht
Fachleistungen von Abiturienten. Vergleich allgemeinbildender und …, 2016
Who's got Grit? Perseverance and Consistency of Interest in Pre-Service Teachers. A German Adaptation of the 12-Item Grit Scale
J Fleckenstein, FTC Schmidt, J Moeller
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 61 (4), 281-286, 2014
Halo effects in grading: An experimental approach
FTC Schmidt, A Kaiser, J Retelsdorf
Educational Psychology 43 (2-3), 246-262, 2023
On the role of variation in measures, the worth of underpowered studies, and the need for tolerance among researchers: Some more reflections on Leising (2022) from a …
S Zitzmann, W Wagner, R Lavelle-Hill, A Jung, H Jach, L Loreth, ...
Manuscript submitted for publication, 2023
Grit: Beharrlichkeit und beständiges Interesse bei der Verfolgung von langfristigen Zielen
FT Schmidt, J Fleckenstein
Diagnostik und Förderung von Motivation und Volition 17, 129, 2019
A closer look at the domain‐specific associations of openness with language achievement: Evidence on the role of intrinsic value from two large‐scale longitudinal studies
J Meyer, FTC Schmidt, J Fleckenstein, O Köller
British Journal of Educational Psychology 93 (1), 113-133, 2023
A reciprocal perspective on the differential associations between personality traits and multiple indicators of academic achievement
A Miyamoto, K Werner, FTC Schmidt
Journal of Personality, 1-19, 2023
Anstrengung zahlt sich aus! Die Bedeutung von Grit im Zusammenhang von Schule und Bildung
FTC Schmidt
IPN Journal 4, 16-20, 2019
Just Grit: on how to Conceptualize and Measure a Novel Trait with a Long History
FTC Schmidt
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 2018
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