Outcomes of Waterbirth in a US Hospital‐Based midwifery practice: a retrospective cohort study of water immersion during labor and birth E Neiman, E Austin, A Tan, CM Anderson, E Chipps Journal of midwifery & women's health 65 (2), 216-223, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Timing in pigeons: effects of the similarity between intertrial interval and gap in a timing signal. DH Kaiser, TR Zentall, E Neiman Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 28 (4), 416, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Stress during pregnancy and epigenetic modifications to offspring DNA: a systematic review of associations and implications for preterm birth AL Nowak, CM Anderson, AR Mackos, E Neiman, SL Gillespie The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing 34 (2), 134-145, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
Common coding of samples associated with the same comparison: The nature of the common representation ER Neiman, TR Zentall Learning and Motivation 32 (3), 367-382, 2001 | 13 | 2001 |
Delayed Matching-to-sample by Pigeons: Common Coding of Samples Associated with the Same Comparison Stimulus ER Neiman University of Kentucky, 2000 | | 2000 |
Prenatal And Postpartum Care Experiences Among Black Birthing People In The United States: An Integrative Review LM Segovia, E Neiman, SL Gillespie, MKK Jancsura, CM Anderson Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 0 | | |