Vacuum squeezing of solids: macroscopic quantum states driven by light pulses GA Garrett, AG Rojo, AK Sood, JF Whitaker, R Merlin Science 275 (5306), 1638-1640, 1997 | 218 | 1997 |
Electron-drag effects in coupled electron systems AG Rojo Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 (5), R31, 1999 | 213 | 1999 |
Model for c-axis transport in high- cuprates AG Rojo, K Levin Physical Review B 48 (22), 16861, 1993 | 156 | 1993 |
Electronic properties of high- superconductors CA Balseiro, M Avignon, AG Rojo, B Alascio Physical review letters 62 (22), 2624, 1989 | 128 | 1989 |
Sequential fragmentation: The origin of columnar quasihexagonal patterns EA Jagla, AG Rojo Physical Review E 65 (2), 026203, 2002 | 98 | 2002 |
Pairing mechanisms in high- superconductors CA Balseiro, AG Rojo, ER Gagliano, B Alascio Physical Review B 38 (13), 9315, 1988 | 86 | 1988 |
Current drag from the van der Waals interaction AG Rojo, GD Mahan Physical review letters 68 (13), 2074, 1992 | 57 | 1992 |
Magnetothermal conductivity of B Chen, AG Rojo, C Uher, HL Ju, RL Greene Physical Review B 55 (23), 15471, 1997 | 55 | 1997 |
Chern-Simons theory of the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice A Lopez, AG Rojo, E Fradkin Physical Review B 49 (21), 15139, 1994 | 53 | 1994 |
Spin squeezing via atom-cavity field coupling C Genes, PR Berman, AG Rojo Physical Review A 68 (4), 043809, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Borges y la física cuántica A Rojo Siglo XXI Editores, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Optimally squeezed spin states AG Rojo Physical Review A 68 (1), 013807, 2003 | 41 | 2003 |
Ordering of O vacancies in AA Aligia, AG Rojo, BR Alascio Physical Review B 38 (10), 6604, 1988 | 38 | 1988 |
Talbot oscillations and periodic focusing in a one-dimensional condensate AG Rojo, JL Cohen, PR Berman Physical Review A 60 (2), 1482, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
El jardín de los mundos que se ramifican: Borges y la mecánica cuántica A Rojo Ciberletras: Revista de crítica literaria y de cultura 1, 59-67, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
Effective-medium approach for the conductivity of dispersed ionic conductors AG Rojo, HE Roman Physical Review B 37 (7), 3696, 1988 | 37 | 1988 |
The principle of least action: History and physics A Rojo, A Bloch Cambridge University Press, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Some consequences of scrPscrT symmetry for optical rotation experiments GS Canright, AG Rojo Physical review letters 68 (10), 1601, 1992 | 35 | 1992 |
Absence of gap for infinite half-integer spin ladders with an odd number of legs AG Rojo Physical Review B 53 (14), 9172, 1996 | 33 | 1996 |
Correlation effects in the electronic structure of high Tc superconductors ER Gagliano, AG Rojo, CA Balseiro, B Alascio Solid state communications 64 (6), 901-904, 1987 | 31 | 1987 |