Self-directed learning readiness of Asian students: students perspective on a hybrid problem based learning curriculum LD Leatemia, AP Susilo, H van Berkel International journal of medical education 7, 385, 2016 | 83 | 2016 |
From lecture to learning tasks: use of the 4C/ID model in a communication skills course in a continuing professional education context AP Susilo, J van Merriënboer, J van Dalen, M Claramita, A Scherpbier The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 44 (6), 278-284, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Nurses’ roles in informed consent in a hierarchical and communal context AP Susilo, JV Dalen, A Scherpbier, S Tanto, P Yuhanti, N Ekawati Nursing Ethics 20 (4), 413-425, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
Interprofessional communication in a socio-hierarchical culture: development of the TRI-O guide M Claramita, R Riskiyana, AP Susilo, E Huriyati, MSH Wahyuningsih, ... Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 191-204, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Improving communication skills in the Southeast Asian health care context M Claramita, AP Susilo Perspectives on medical education 3 (6), 474-479, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Introducing a partnership doctor-patient communication guide for teachers in the culturally hierarchical context of Indonesia M Claramita, AP Susilo, M Kharismayekti, J van Dalen, C van der Vleuten Education for Health 26 (3), 147-155, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Informed consent and nurses’ roles: a survey of Indonesian practitioners AP Susilo, J Dalen, MN Chenault, A Scherpbier Nursing ethics 21 (6), 684-694, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Penggunaan Metode SBAR untuk Komunikasi Efektif antara Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Konteks Klinis LV Christina KELUWIH: Jurnal Kesehatan Dan Kedokteran 3 (1), 57-63, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Patient or physician safety? Physicians' views of informed consent and nurses' roles in an Indonesian setting AP Susilo, I Nurmala, J Van Dalen, A Scherpbier Journal of interprofessional care 26 (3), 212-218, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Pharmacist-patient communication in Indonesia: The Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS) a socio-hierarchical context IMP Wibowo, S Irawati, AP Susilo, M Claramita Pharmacy Education 19 (1), 359-369, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Development of a questionnaire to measure teachers’ student-centred perspectives based on the Onion Model LD Leatemia, JJG van Merrienboer, AP Susilo BMC Medical Education 22 (1), 504, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Penggunaan Metode SBAR untuk Komunikasi Efektif antara Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Konteks Klinis. KELUWIH: Jurnal Kesehatan Dan Kedokteran, 3 (1), 57–63 LV Christina, AP Susilo | 10 | 2021 |
Patients decision-making in the informed consent process in a hierarchical and communal culture AP Susilo, B Marjadi, J Dalen, A Scherpbier The Asia pacific scholar 4 (3), 57-66, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Komunikasi petugas kesehatan dan pasien dalam konteks budaya Asia Tenggara M Claramita, AP Susilo, M Rosenbaum, JV Dalen Jakarta: EGC, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Leary′ s Rose to Improve Negotiation Skills among Health Professionals: Experiences from a Southeast Asian Culture AP Susilo, V van den Eertwegh, J van Dalen, A Scherpbier Education for Health 26 (1), 54-59, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
How low can we go S Chandra, AM Nugroho, H Agus, AP Susilo A double-blinded randomized controlled trial to compare bupivacaine 5, 0 | 10 | |
Challenges and opportunities in cultivating medical students’ competencies: Participatory action research from a hierarchical cultural setting A Findyartini, NA Syah, AP Susilo, H Nurokhmanti, N Qomariyah, ... Medical education online 28 (1), 2185122, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Kontinuitas perawatan dan pencegahan komplikasi pada luka bakar SMS Haikal, AP Susilo Jurnal Kedokteran Mulawarman 8 (1), 32-36, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
STOPP-START medication review: A non-randomized trial in an Indonesian tertiary hospital to improve medication appropriateness and to reduce the length of stay of older adults F Herawati, IBN Maharjana, T Kuswardhani, AP Susilo Hospital Pharmacy 56 (6), 668-677, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Communication of health workers and patients in the context of Southeast Asian culture M Claramita, AP Susilo, M Rosenbaum, J Van Dalen Jakarta: EGC, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |