Fernando Bastida
Fernando Bastida
profesor de Geología Universidad de Oviedo
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A thin‐skinned tectonics model for an arcuate fold and thrust belt: the Cantabrian Zone (Variscan Ibero‐Armorican Arc)
A Pérez‐Estaún, F Bastida, JL Alonso, J Marquínez, J Aller, ...
Tectonics 7 (3), 517-537, 1988
Diachronous Variscan tectonothermal activity in the NW Iberian Massif: evidence from 40Ar/39Ar dating of regional fabrics
RD Dallmeyer, JRM Catalán, R Arenas, JIG Ibarguchi, G Gutiérrez, ...
Tectonophysics 277 (4), 307-337, 1997
Crustal thickening and deformation sequence in the footwall to the suture of the Variscan belt of northwest Spain
A Pérez-Estaún, JR Martínez-Catalán, F Bastida
Tectonophysics 191 (3-4), 243-253, 1991
Structural, metamorphic and magmatic history of the Mondoñedo nappe (Hercynian belt, NW Spain)
F Bastida, JR Martínez-Catalán, JA Pulgar
Journal of Structural Geology 8 (3-4), 415-430, 1986
Seismic structure of the northern continental margin of Spain from ESCIN deep seismic profiles
J Alvarez-Marrón, A Pérez-Estaún, JJ Danñobeitia, JA Pulgar, ...
Tectonophysics 264 (1-4), 153-174, 1996
JR Martínez Catalán, A Pérez Estaún, F Bastida, JA Pulgar, A Marcos
Pre-Mesozoic Geology of Iberia, 103-114, 1990
La estructura del manto de Mondoñedo entre Burela y Tapia de Casariego (Costa Cantábrica, NW de España)
F Bastida, JA Pulgar
Trabajos de Geología, 75-161, 1978
Geología de Asturias
C Aramburu, F Bastida, M Arbizu
Ediciones Trea, 1995
Simultaneous use of thermal indicators to analyse the transition from diagenesis to metamorphism: an example from the Variscan Belt of northwest Spain
S Garcia-Lopez, C Brime, F Bastida, GN Sarmiento
Geological Magazine 134 (3), 323-334, 1997
Geometría y evolución estructural del Manto de Somiedo (Zona Cantábrica, NO de España)
F Bastida, A Marcos, A Pérez-Estaún, JA Pulgar
Bol. Inst. Geol. Min. España 95 (6), 517-539, 1984
Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de la evolución tectonometamórfica del Complejo de Cabo Ortegal (NW de España)
A Marcos, JL Marquínez, A Pérez-Estaún, JA Pulgar, F Bastida
Universidade da Coruña, 1984
Transition from diagenesis to metamorphism near the front of the Variscan regional metamorphism (Cantabrian Zone, northwestern Spain)
C Brime, S García-López, F Bastida, ML Valín, J Sanz-Lopez, J Aller
The Journal of Geology 109 (3), 363-379, 2001
On tangential longitudinal strain folding
NC Bobillo-Ares, F Bastida, J Aller
Tectonophysics 319 (1), 53-68, 2000
Anatomy of the Mondoñedo Nappe basal shear zone (NW Spain)
J Aller, F Bastida
Journal of Structural Geology 15 (12), 1405-1419, 1993
Geometrical analysis of folded surfaces using simple functions
F Bastida, J Aller, NC Bobillo-Ares
Journal of structural geology 21 (7), 729-742, 1999
Cleavage and its relation with metamorphic grade in the Cantabrian Zone (Hercynian of North-West Spain). La schistosité et sa relation avec le degré de métamorphisme dans la …
J Aller, F Bastida, C Brime, A Perez-Estaun
Sciences Géologiques, bulletins et mémoires 40 (3), 255-272, 1987
Fold geometry: a basis for their kinematical analysis
F Bastida, J Aller, NC Bobillo-Ares, NC Toimil
Earth-Science Reviews 70 (1-2), 129-164, 2005
A cross-section through the Zilair Nappe (southern Urals)
F Bastida, J Aller, VN Puchkov, C Juhlin, A Oslianski
Tectonophysics 276 (1-4), 253-263, 1997
Palaeozoic conodonts from northern Spain
S García-López, F Bastida
IGME, 2002
Tectonothermal evolution of a foreland fold and thrust belt: the Cantabrian Zone (Iberian Variscan belt, NW Spain)
S García‐López, C Brime, ML Valín, J Sanz‐López, F Bastida, J Aller, ...
Terra Nova 19 (6), 469-475, 2007
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