Yuchen Liu
Yuchen Liu
Assistant Professor in North Carolina State University
在 ncsu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Rewoo: Decoupling reasoning from observations for efficient augmented language models
B Xu, Z Peng, B Lei, S Mukherjee, Y Liu, D Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18323, 2023
A lightweight authentication scheme based on self‐updating strategy for space information network
Y Liu, A Zhang, S Li, J Tang, J Li
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 35 (3), 231-248, 2017
Analysis and design of an authentication protocol for space information network
W Zhao, A Zhang, J Li, X Wu, Y Liu
MILCOM 2016-2016 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 43-48, 2016
Blockage avoidance in relay paths for roadside mmwave backhaul networks
Y Liu, Q Hu, DM Blough
2018 IEEE 29th annual international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile …, 2018
Gentopia: A collaborative platform for tool-augmented llms
B Xu, X Liu, H Shen, Z Han, Y Li, M Yue, Z Peng, Y Liu, Z Yao, D Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.04030, 2023
Spun-related effects on optical properties of spun silica optical fibers
J Wen, W Liu, Y Huang, Y Liu, Y Luo, GD Peng, F Pang, Z Chen, T Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (12), 2674-2678, 2015
Optimal Access Point Placement in multi-AP mmWave WLANs
Y Liu, Y Jian, R Sivakumar, DM Blough
ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of …, 2019
Analysis of Blockage Effects on Roadside Relay-assisted mmWave Backhaul Networks
Y Liu, DM Blough
Communications (ICC), 2019 IEEE International Conference on, 2019
An anonymous distributed key management system based on CL-PKC for space information network
Y Liu, A Zhang, J Li, J Wu
2016 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1-7, 2016
WiMove: Toward infrastructure mobility in mmWave WiFi
Y Jian, M Agarwal, SK Venkateswaran, Y Liu, DM Blough, R Sivakumar
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless …, 2020
Joint Link-level and Network-level Reconfiguration for mmWave Backhaul Survivability in Urban Environments
Y Liu, Q Hu, DM Blough
ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of …, 2019
Maximizing line-of-sight coverage for mmWave wireless LANs with multiple access points
Y Liu, Y Jian, R Sivakumar, DM Blough
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 (2), 698-716, 2021
Maximizing Coverage for mmWave WLANs with Dedicated Reflectors
A Deng, Y Liu, DM Blough
Communications (ICC), 2021 IEEE International Conference on, 2021
A Quantitative Exploration of Access Point Mobility for mmWave WiFi Networks
Y Jian, Y Liu, SK Venkateswaran, DM Blough, R Sivakumar
Communications (ICC), 2020 IEEE International Conference on, 2020
Environment-aware link quality prediction for millimeter-wave wireless lans
Y Liu, DM Blough
Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management …, 2022
Joint link-level and network-level reconfiguration for urban mmWave wireless backhaul networks
Y Liu, Q Hu, DM Blough
Computer Communications 164, 215-228, 2020
Poster: Hawkeye-predictive positioning of a ceiling-mounted mobile ap in mmwave wlans for maximizing line-of-sight
Y Jian, M Agarwal, Y Liu, DM Blough, R Sivakumar
The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 1-3, 2019
End-to-end Simulation of mmWave Out-of-band Backhaul Networks in ns-3
Q Hu, Y Liu, Y Yan, DM Blough
Workshop on Next-Generation Wireless with ns-3, 2019
Performance Study of Statistical and Deterministic Channel Models for mmWave Wi-Fi Networks in ns-3
Y Liu, SK Crisp, DM Blough
ACM Proceedings of Workshop on ns-3, 2021
On the potential benefits of mobile access points in mmwave wireless lans
Y Liu, Y Jian, R Sivakumar, DM Blough
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks …, 2020
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