The societal readiness thinking tool: A practical resource for maturing the societal readiness of research projects MJ Bernstein, MW Nielsen, E Alnor, A Brasil, AL Birkving, TT Chan, ... Science and engineering ethics 28 (1), 6, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
Building a national system of research and graduate education: how did the university become the house of science in Brazil? A Brasil Revista NUPEM 12 (27), 222-253, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Beyond the Web of Science: an overview of Brazilian papers indexed by regionally relevant databases A Brasil 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Multidimensionality through self-evaluation: From theory to practice in the Brazilian graduate system A Brasil fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 97-106, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
A autoavaliação nas políticas da pós-graduação brasileira J Trevisol, A Brasil XIII Reunião Científica da ANPEd-Sul, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Exploring differences in scientific production originated from professional and academic graduate courses in Brazil A Brasil International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. Proceedings …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Rethinking a national classification of research and graduate education A Brasil Profesional de la información 32 (2), 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Between bibliometrics and peer review: The evolution and challenges of Brazil’s Qualis system A Brasil preprint, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
The unseen costs of article processing charges: The different realities of Brazil and the Netherlands A Brasil, T van Leeuwen 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation …, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
As dinâmicas da Pós-graduação em Santa Catarina: evolução e perspectivas (1969-2018) JV Trevisol, SC Bastiani, A Brasil Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas) 25, 178-198, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Gestão de riscos na avaliação de programas de pós-graduação: Estratégias para estimar o potencial de sucesso de cursos novos, com base em propostas apresentadas à CAPES A Brasil Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Research evaluation in Brazil and The Netherlands: A comparative study A Brasil, JV Trevisol SocArXiv, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
A national evaluation push towards increased societal impact: The Brazilian experience in valuing broader research outputs A Brasil Eu-SPRI Conference 2021, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Accreditation of graduate courses in Brazil: analysing the evaluation of the first proposals of professional doctorates in the country. A Brasil ISSI, 2534-2542, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
O Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação no Paraná: Características e dinâmicas de desenvolvimento A Brasil, JV Trevisol Pós-graduação e pesquisa: Formação e desafios no contexto da UENP, 16-34, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Fale bem, fale sempre A Brasil Universo dos Livros, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
Rethinking a national classification system of research and graduate education A Brasil 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation …, 2022 | | 2022 |
Analysing Open Access publishing beyond Plan S: Motivations for publishing in Hybrid and Bronze OA formats A Brasil, CML Chen, T Van Leeuwen 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation …, 2022 | | 2022 |
Online tools to bridge the gap between research policy and academic practice: Lessons learnt from testing the Societal Readiness Thinking Tool S de Jong, W van de Klippe, A Brasil, TT Chan, I Meijer | | 2020 |
Stimulating responsible research and innovation with The Online Societal Readiness Thinking Tool: New Horrizon policy brief# 4 S de Jong, W Van der Klippe, TT Chan, A Brasil, I Meijer European Union, 2020 | | 2020 |