William N. Havard
William N. Havard
Postdoctoral Researcher @ LLL/Université d'Orléans
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Mass: A large and clean multilingual corpus of sentence-aligned spoken utterances extracted from the bible
MZ Boito, WN Havard, M Garnerin, ÉL Ferrand, L Besacier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12895, 2019
Speech-coco: 600k visually grounded spoken captions aligned to mscoco data set
W Havard, L Besacier, O Rosec
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.08435, 2017
Models of visually grounded speech signal pay attention to nouns: A bilingual experiment on english and japanese
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Word recognition, competition, and activation in a model of visually grounded speech
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08491, 2019
Catplayinginthesnow: Impact of prior segmentation on a model of visually grounded speech
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.08387, 2020
Exploring textual and speech information in dialogue act classification with speaker domain adaptation
X He, QH Tran, W Havard, L Besacier, I Zukerman, G Haffari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.07455, 2018
Full description of an automated pipeline for providing personalized feedback based on audio samples
L Peurey, WN Havard, XN Cao, A Cristia
Center for Open Science, 2024
Contribution d'informations syntaxiques aux capacités de généralisation compositionelle des modèles seq2seq convolutifs
DN Popa, WN Havard, M Coavoux, L Besacier, É Gaussier
Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 134-141, 2021
Découverte non supervisée de lexique à partir d’un corpus multimodal pour la documentation des langues en danger
WN Havard
Thèse de doct. Sciences de l’Homme et Société, 2017
Outiller la documentation des langues créoles
E Le Ferrand, C Pierre-Louis, R Dong, B Lecouteux, ...
LIFT 2023: journées scientifiques du GdR Linguistique Informatique, Formelle …, 2023
Speech Maturity Dataset
WN Havard, L Peurey, K Hitczenko, A Cristia
Many Paths to Language (MPaL) 2023, 2023
〈'〉 in Tsimane': a Preliminary Investigation
WN Havard, Y Sy, C Scaff, L Peurey, A Cristia
Interspeech 2023, 1813-1817, 2023
Measuring language development from child-centered recordings
Y Sy, W Havard, M Lavechin, E Dupoux, A Cristia
Interspeech 2023, 4618-4622, 2023
A study of the production and perception of'in Tsimane'
W Havard, C Scaff, L Peurey, A Cristia
Journées Jointes des Groupements de Recherche Linguistique Informatique …, 2022
L'émergence du lexique en contexte: apport des méthodes non supervisées sur grands corpus de données multimodales
W Havard
Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021
Lexical emergence from context: exploring unsupervised learning approaches on large multimodal language corpora
WN Havard
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2021
Emergence of attention in a neural model of visually grounded speech
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
Learning Language in Humans and in Machines 2018 conference, 2018
Production et Perception de〈’〉 chez les Tsimane’
WN Havard, C Scaff, L Peurey, A Cristia
LIFT-TAL 2022, 1, 0
Models of visually grounded speech signal pay attention to nouns: a cross-linguistic experiment on English and Japanese
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
文章 1–19