Richardt H. Wilkinson
Richardt H. Wilkinson
Senior Lecturer, RMIT University
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Natural balance of multicell converters: The general case
RH Wilkinson, TA Meynard, H du Toit Mouton
IEEE transactions on power electronics 21 (6), 1658-1666, 2006
Natural balance of multicell converters: The two-cell case
RH Wilkinson, TA Meynard, H du Toit Mouton
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 21 (6), 1649-1657, 2006
One-dimensional spectral analysis of complex PWM waveforms using superposition
H du Toit Mouton, B McGrath, DG Holmes, RH Wilkinson
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (12), 6762-6778, 2014
Evaluation of converter topologies for improved power quality in DC traction substations
A Horn, RH Wilkinson, JHR Enslin
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2, 802-807, 1996
Natural balance of multicell converters
RH Wilkinson, HT Du Mouton, TA Meynard
IEEE 34th Annual Conference on Power Electronics Specialist, 2003. PESC'03 …, 2003
Hot water usage profiling to improve geyser efficiency
Q Catherine, J Wheeler, R Wilkinson, G de Jager
Journal of energy in Southern Africa 23 (1), 39-45, 2012
Wireless sensor network gateway
LT Steenkamp, S Kaplan, RH Wilkinson
AFRICON 2009, 1-6, 2009
Electrical power system for a 3U CubeSat nanosatellite incorporating peak power tracking with dual redundant control
J Bester, B Groenewald, R Wilkinson
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. Selected full texts 88, 300-304, 2012
A self-triggered pulsed-mode flyback converter for electric-field energy harvesting
JC Rodríguez, DG Holmes, B Mcgrath, RH Wilkinson
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (1), 377-386, 2017
Maximum energy harvesting from medium voltage electric-field energy using power line insulators
JC Rodriguez, DG Holmes, BP McGrath, RH Wilkinson
2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2014
Natural balancing of multicell converters
RH Wilkinson
Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch, 2004
Energy harvesting for a condition monitoring mote
DJ de Villiers, S Kaplan, RH Wilkinson
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2161-2166, 2008
An evaluation of compression techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Van Der Byl, R Neilson, RH Wilkinson
AFRICON 2009, 1-6, 2009
Quality of experience comparison of stereoscopic 3D videos in different projection devices: flat screen, panoramic screen and virtual reality headset
SM Choy, E Cheng, RH Wilkinson, I Burnett, MW Austin
Ieee Access 9, 9584-9594, 2021
Voltage unbalance in the multicell converter topology
R Wilkinson, TA Meynardt, HT Mouton
IEEE AFRICON. 6th Africon Conference in Africa, 2, 759-764, 2002
Automatic tracking of multiple zebrafish larvae with resilience against segmentation errors
X Wang, E Cheng, IS Burnett, R Wilkinson, M Lech
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
Control options for a bi-directional multilevel traction chopper
RH Wilkinson, A Horn, JHR Enslin
PESC Record. 27th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2 …, 1996
Analytical determination of the ZVS boundaries for resonant dual active bridge converters
CA Teixeira, BP McGrath, DG Holmes, J Riedel, RH Wilkinson
2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 352-357, 2018
DC-side harmonic compensation in DC traction applications
RH Wilkinson, C Putter, JHR Enslin
Proceedings of IEEE. AFRICON'96 2, 827-832, 1996
Recursive fourier transform hardware
A Van Der Byl, RH Wilkinson, MR Inggs
2011 IEEE RadarCon (RADAR), 746-750, 2011
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