石映辉 Yinghui Shi
石映辉 Yinghui Shi
在 ccnu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Examining the key influencing factors on college students’ higher-order thinking skills in the smart classroom environment
K Lu, HH Yang, Y Shi, X Wang
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18, 1-13, 2021
College students’ cognitive learning outcomes in flipped classroom instruction: a meta-analysis of the empirical literature
Y Shi, Y Ma, J MacLeod, HH Yang
Journal of Computers in Education 7, 79-103, 2020
College students’ cognitive learning outcomes in technology-enabled active learning environments: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature
Y Shi, H Yang, J MacLeod, J Zhang, HH Yang
Journal of Educational Computing Research 58 (4), 791-817, 2020
Technological factors and student-to-student connected classroom climate in cloud classrooms
J MacLeod, HH Yang, S Zhu, Y Shi
Journal of Educational Computing Research 56 (6), 826-847, 2018
Student-to-student connectedness in higher education: A systematic literature review
J MacLeod, HH Yang, Y Shi
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 31, 426-448, 2019
Effects of mind mapping-based instruction on student cognitive learning outcomes: a meta-analysis
Y Shi, H Yang, Y Dou, Y Zeng
Asia Pacific Education Review 24 (3), 303-317, 2023
Blended learning versus traditional learning: a study on students’ learning achievements and academic press
Y Wei, Y Shi, HH Yang, J Liu
2017 International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET), 219-223, 2017
Examining interactive whiteboard-based instruction on the academic self-efficacy, academic press and achievement of college students
Y Shi, C Peng, HH Yang, J MacLeod
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 33 (2), 115-130, 2018
Effects of interactive whiteboard-based instruction on students’ cognitive learning outcomes: a meta-analysis
Y Shi, J Zhang, H Yang, HH Yang
Interactive Learning Environments 29 (2), 283-300, 2021
石映辉, 杨宗凯, 杨浩
中国电化教育, 99-103, 2012
Trends of cloud computing in education
Y Shi, HH Yang, Z Yang, D Wu
Hybrid Learning. Theory and Practice: 7th International Conference, ICHL …, 2014
Exploring the factors that influence college students’ academic self-efficacy in blended learning: a study from the personal, interpersonal, and environmental perspectives
Y Wei, Y Shi, J MacLeod, HH Yang
SAGE open 12 (2), 21582440221104815, 2022
Parents’ and students’ attitudes toward tablet integration in schools
S Zhu, HH Yang, J MacLeod, Y Shi, D Wu
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 19 (4), 2018
The effects of smart classroom-based instruction on college students’ learning engagement and internet self-efficacy
Y Shi, C Peng, S Wang, HH Yang
Blended Learning. Enhancing Learning Success: 11th International Conference …, 2018
The impact of interactive whiteboards on education
Y Shi, Z Yang, HH Yang, S Liu
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet Multimedia …, 2012
吴砥, 尉小荣, 卢春, 石映辉
开放教育研究 20 (1), 92-99, 2014
Interactive whiteboard-based instruction versus lecture-based instruction: A study on college students’ academic self-efficacy and academic press
Y Shi, C Peng, X Zhang, HH Yang
Blended Learning. New Challenges and Innovative Practices: 10th …, 2017
Study on the research hotspots of interactive whiteboards in education
Y Shi, Z Yang, HH Yang, S Liu
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet Multimedia …, 2012
Effects of Interactive Whiteboard-based Classroom Instruction on Students' Cognitive Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Y Shi, J Zhang, H Yang, HH Yang
Personalized Learning, 104-121, 2023
Interactive whiteboard-based instruction versus lecture-based instruction: A study on students' learning achievement
Y Shi, H Yang, D Wu, S Zhu
2015 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology …, 2015
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