Min-Seong Kim
Min-Seong Kim
在 pknu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Rainfall detection and rainfall rate estimation using microwave attenuation
MS Kim, BH Kwon
Atmosphere 9 (8), 287, 2018
Estimation of sensible heat flux and atmospheric boundary layer height using an unmanned aerial vehicle
MS Kim, BH Kwon
Atmosphere 10 (7), 363, 2019
The adjustment of radar precipitation estimation based on the kriging method
KH Kim, M Kim, GW Lee, DH Kang, BH Kwon
Journal of the Korean earth science society 34 (1), 13-27, 2013
Quality evaluation of wind vectors from UHF wind profiler using radiosonde measurements
KH Kim, MS Kim, SW Seo, PS Kim, DH Kang, BH Kwon
Journal of environmental science international 24 (1), 133-150, 2015
Quality control of the UHF wind profiler radar
WG Jo, BH Kwon, PS Kim, MS Kim, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 13 …, 2018
Attenuation correction of X-band radar reflectivity using adjacent multiple microwave links
MS Kim, BH Kwon
Remote Sensing 12 (13), 2133, 2020
Estimation of surface layer heat flux using the UHF sensor installed on UAV
MS Kim, BH Kwon, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 13 …, 2018
Overview of the KMA/NIMS Atmospheric Research Aircraft (NARA) and its data archive: Annual airborne observations over the Korean peninsula
JH Kim, TY Goo, SP Jung, MS Kim, K Lee, M Kang, C Lee, J Yang, ...
Geoscience Data Journal 10 (4), 447-460, 2023
Accuracy evaluation of UHF wind profiler radar wind vectors by setting a threshold of Signal-to-Noise Ratios
KH Kim, PS Kim, MS Kim, DH Kang, BH Kwon
Journal of Environmental Science International 25 (9), 1241-1251, 2016
Improvement in wind vector from UHF wind profiler radar through removing ground echo
KH Kim, PS Kim, MS Kim, DH Kang, BH Kwon
Journal of environmental science international 25 (2), 267-280, 2016
Local wind field simulation over coastal areas using windprofiler data
MS Kim, KH Kim, PS Kim, DH Kang, BH Kwon
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety 22 (2), 195-204, 2016
Retrieval of Remotely Sensed Fluid Velocity and Esimation of Its Accuracy by Eulerian Measurement
MS Kim, KH Lee, BH Kwon, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 16 …, 2021
Wind vector quality control using symmetry of Doppler spectral peak
MS Kim, KH Lee, BH Kwon, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 15 …, 2020
Frontal wind field retrieval based on UHF wind profiler radars and S-band radars network
MS Kim, B Campistron, BH Kwon
Atmosphere 10 (9), 547, 2019
Case study on the mixed layer development using the UHF radio sounding
SJ Kim, BH Kwon, KH Kim, PS Kim, MS Kim, WG Jo, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 13 …, 2018
Converting Analog to Digital Signals on the X-band Radar
PS Kim, BH Kwon, MS Kim, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 13 …, 2018
Dispersion of Air Pollutants from Ship Based Sources in Incheon Port
KH Kim, BH Kwon, MS Kim, DC Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety 23 (5), 488-496, 2017
Estimation of atmospheric turbulent fluxes by the bulk transfer method over various surface
MS Kim, BH Kwon, DH Kang
Journal of environmental science international 23 (6), 1199-1211, 2014
Dropsonde-based heat fluxes and mixed layer height over the sea surface near the Korean peninsula
MS Kim, BH Kwon, TY Goo, SP Jung
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 25, 2022
Carbon Dioxide Fluctuation in Suncheon Bay Measured by Infrared and Ultrasonic sensors
SJ Kim, MS Kim, KH Lee, BH Kwon, HJ Yoon
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 16 …, 2021
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