Omer Esen
Omer Esen
其他姓名Ömer Esen
Professor of Fiscal Economics at Namik Kemal University
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Does more energy consumption support economic growth in net energy-importing countries?
Ö Esen, M Bayrak
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 22 (42), 75-98, 2017
Is the ecological footprint related to the Kuznets curve a real process or rationalizing the ecological consequences of the affluence? Evidence from PSTR approach
C Aydin, Ö Esen, R Aydin
Ecological indicators 98, 543-555, 2019
Inflation and economic growth: A dynamic panel threshold analysis for Turkish Republics in transition process
C Aydın, Ö Esen, M Bayrak
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 229, 196-205, 2016
Reducing CO2 emissions in the EU member states: Do environmental taxes work?
C Aydin, Ö Esen
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (13), 2396-2420, 2018
Does the level of energy intensity matter in the effect of energy consumption on the growth of transition economies? Evidence from dynamic panel threshold analysis
C Aydin, Ö Esen
Energy Economics 69, 185-195, 2018
Türkiye’nin Enerji Açığı Sorunu ve Çözümüne Yönelik Arayışlar
M Bayrak, Ö Esen
Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 28 (3), 139-158, 2014
Pollute less or tax more? Asymmetries in the EU environmental taxes – Ecological balance nexus
O Esen, DC Yildirim, S Yildirim
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91, 106662, 2021
Time-varying volatility spillovers between oil prices and precious metal prices
DC Yildirim, EI Cevik, O Esen
Resources Policy 68, 101783, 2020
Bütçe açıklarının cari işlemler dengesi üzerine etkileri: İkiz açıklar hipotezinin Türkiye açısından değerlendirilmesi
M Bayrak, E Ömer
Ekonomik Yaklasim 23 (82), 23-49, 2012
Hisse senedi fiyatları ile döviz kuru arasındaki dinamik ilişkinin belirlenmesi; farklı ülke piyasaları için bir araştırma
B Elmas, Ö Esen
Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, 153-170, 2011
Kamu Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Geçiş Sürecindeki Türk Cumhuriyetleri Üzerine Bir Uygulama
Ö Esen, M Bayrak
Bilig 73, 231-248, 2015
Optimal tax revenues and economic growth in transition economies: a threshold regression approach
C Aydin, O Esen
Global Business and Economics Review 21 (2), 246-265, 2019
The Validity of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis for CO2 Emissions in Turkey: New Evidence from Smooth Transition Regression Approach
C Aydin, Ö Esen
Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 14 (39), 101-116, 2017
Enerji açığının belirleyicilerinin teorik perspektiften incelenmesi
Ö Esen, M Bayrak
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 3 (1), 45-61, 2015
Examining the Validity of Wagner's Law in the OECD Economies
M Bayrak, Ö Esen
Research in Applied Economics 6 (3), 1-16, 2014
Threshold effects of economic growth on water stress in the Eurozone.
Ö Esen, DÇ Yıldırım, S Yıldırım
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 27 (25), 31427–31438, 2020
Security of the energy supply in Turkey: Prospects, challenges and opportunities
Ö Esen
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 6 (2), 281-289, 2016
Does too much government spending depress the economic development of transition economies? Evidences from dynamic panel threshold analysis
C Aydin, Ö Esen
Applied Economics 51 (15), 1666-1678, 2019
The nonlinear effects of environmental innovation on energy sector-based carbon dioxide emissions in OECD countries  
Yıldırım, D Çağrı, Esen, Ömer, Yıldırım, Seda
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 182 (2022), 121800, 2022
The threshold effects of current account deficits on economic growth in Turkey: does the level of current account deficit matter?
C Aydin, Ö Esen
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 7 (5), 186, 2016
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