Erna Astuti
Erna Astuti
在 che.uad.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pembuatan sabun padat dari minyak kelapa dengan penambahan aloe vera sebagai antiseptik menggunakan metode cold process
E Astuti, F Wulandari, AT Hartati
Jurnal Konversi 10 (2), 7-12, 2021
Pengaruh konsentrasi katalisator dan rasio bahan terhadap kualitas biodiesel dari minyak kelapa
E Astuti
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses 2, 5-9, 2008
Optimum Operating Conditions Of Glycerol Nitration to Produce 1, 3-Dinitroglycerin
AP Erna Astuti, Supranto, Rochmadi
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (8), 5203-5207, 2016
Determination of the temperature effect on glycerol nitration processes using the Hysys predictions and the laboratory experiment
E Astuti, S Supranto, R Rochmadi, A Prasetya, K Ström, B Andersson
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 14 (1), 57-62, 2014
Optimum condition of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using continuous stirred tank reactor
E Astuti, Z Mufrodi
International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 8 (2), 201-205, 2019
Kinetic modelling of nitration of glycerol: three controlling reactions model
E Astuti, S Supranto, R Rochmadi, A Prasetya
Engineering Journal 18 (3), 73-82, 2014
Triacetin synthesis as bio-additive from glycerol using homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts
Z Mufrodi, E Astuti, M Syamsiro, S Sutiman, S Purwono
Key Engineering Materials 849, 90-95, 2020
The effect of recycle stream on the selectivity and yield of the formation of triacetin from glycerol
Z Mufrodi, E Astuti, A Aktawan, S Purwono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 175 (1), 012013, 2018
Kinetic modeling of nitration of glycerol
E Astuti, R Supranto, A Prasetya, K Ström, B Andersson
Modern Applied Science 8 (2), 1-78, 2014
Bio-Oil Production Using Waste Biomass via Pyrolysis Process: Mini Review
N Nuraini, N binti Osman, E Astuti
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 11 (1), 37-49, 2022
Gasification of oil palm shells and empty fruit bunches to produce gas fuel
A Aktawan, M Maryudi, S Salamah, E Astuti
Key Engineering Materials 849, 3-7, 2020
Optimum conditions for the formation of glycidyl nitrate from 1, 3-dinitroglycerin
E Astuti, S Supranto, R Rochmadi, A Prasetya
Key engineering materials 718, 95-99, 2017
A thermodynamic study of parameters that affect the nitration of glycerol with nitric acid
E Astuti, A Prasetya
International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering 9 (8), 1010-1013, 2015
The Influence of Strong Reduced Water and Fresh Coconut Oil in Viscosity of Liquid Hand Soap
IS Endah Sulistiawati, Erna Astuti
1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering (ISIChem …, 2019
Pengaruh Proses Pengolahan dan Penyangraian Biji Terhadap Aktivitas dan Kandungan Senyawa Antioksidan Sari Kedelai Hitam Mallika (Glycine Max)
WM Rahayu, E Astuti
Chem J Tek Kim 4 (2), 59, 2017
Penguatan Teknologi Olah Buah Salak dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk
T Juwitaningtyas, E Astuti, A Tarmuji
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks 8 (2), 123-131, 2020
Utilization of glycerol from biodiesel industry by-product into several higher value products
Z Mufrodi, E Astuti, A Budiman, Supranto, Sutijan, A Prasetya, Rochmadi
Valorisation of Agro-industrial Residues–Volume II: Non-Biological …, 2020
Pelatihan Desain Grafis dan Cetak Digital di Lingkungan Pondok Pesantren
ED Astuti, S Hartiyah
Aplikasi sistem pakar penentu hukum darah kewanitaan dengan menggunakan metode forward chaining
AZ Syarof, ED Astuti, MF Asnawi
Journal of Economic, Business and Engineering (JEBE) 3 (2), 311-320, 2022
Active Charcoal from Palm Kernel Shells as a Catalyst in The Production of Biodiesel
E Astuti, Z Mufrodi, GI Budiarti, AC Dewi
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 9 (2), 120-125, 2020
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