Carole Turley Voulgaris
Carole Turley Voulgaris
Assistant Professor, Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University
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A taste for transit? Analyzing public transit use trends among youth
AE Brown, E Blumenberg, BD Taylor, K Ralph, CT Voulgaris
Journal of Public Transportation 19 (1), 49-67, 2016
Synergistic neighborhood relationships with travel behavior: An analysis of travel in 30,000 US neighborhoods
CT Voulgaris, BD Taylor, E Blumenberg, A Brown, K Ralph
Journal of Transport and Land Use 10 (1), 437-461, 2017
Tired of commuting? Relationships among journeys to school, sleep, and exercise among American teenagers
CT Voulgaris, MJ Smart, BD Taylor
Journal of Planning Education and Research 39 (2), 142-154, 2019
Millennials, built form, and travel insights from a nationwide typology of US neighborhoods
K Ralph, CT Voulgaris, BD Taylor, E Blumenberg, AE Brown
Journal of transport geography 57, 218-226, 2016
Does walking and bicycling more mean exercising less? Evidence from the US and the Netherlands
RT Panik, EA Morris, CT Voulgaris
Journal of Transport & Health 15, 100590, 2019
Crystal balls and black boxes: what makes a good forecast?
CT Voulgaris
Journal of Planning Literature 34 (3), 286-299, 2019
A resurgence in urban living? Trends in residential location patterns of young and older adults since 2000
E Blumenberg, A Brown, K Ralph, BD Taylor, C Turley Voulgaris
Urban Geography 40 (9), 1375-1397, 2019
Typecasting neighborhoods and travelers: Analyzing the geography of travel behavior among teens and young adults in the US
E Blumenberg, A Brown, KM Ralph, BD Taylor, CT Voulgaris
Passenger Flows in Underground Railway Stations and Platforms, MTI Report 12-43
A Loukaitou-Sideris, BD Taylor, CT Voulgaris
Trust in forecasts? Correlates with ridership forecast accuracy for fixed-guideway transit projects
CT Voulgaris
Transportation 47 (5), 2439-2477, 2020
Typecasting neighborhoods and travelers: analyzing the geography of travel behavior among teens and young adults in the US. University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of …
E Blumenberg, A Brown, K Ralph, BD Taylor, CT Voulgaris
What is a forecast for? Motivations for transit ridership forecast accuracy in the federal new starts program
C Turley Voulgaris
Journal of the American Planning Association 86 (4), 458-469, 2020
Honey, can you pick-up groceries on your way home?: Analyzing activities and travel among students and in non-traditional households
MJ Smart, KM Ralph, BD Taylor, CT Voulgaris, AE Brown
University of California Transportation Center, 2014
Calibration procedure for a microscopic traffic simulation model
C Turley
Brigham Young University, 2007
Travel and the built environment: insights using activity densities, the sprawl index, and neighborhood types
K Ralph, CT Voulgaris, A Brown
Transportation research record 2653 (1), 1-9, 2017
Comparison of reduced-fare programs for low-income transit riders
W Darling, E Carpenter, T Johnson-Praino, C Brakewood, CT Voulgaris
Transportation Research Record 2675 (7), 335-349, 2021
A TUF sell: Transportation utility fees as user fees for local roads and streets
CT Voulgaris
Public Works Management & Policy 21 (4), 305-323, 2016
Healthy for whom? Equity in the spatial distribution of cycling risks in Los Angeles, CA
LM Braun, HTK Le, CT Voulgaris, RC Nethery
Journal of Transport & Health 23, 101227, 2021
City parks and slow streets
GS Macfarlane, T Tapia, CT Voulgaris
Journal of Transport and Land Use 15 (1), 587-612, 2022
Neighborhood effects of safe routes to school programs on the likelihood of active travel to school
CT Voulgaris, R Hosseinzade, A Pande, SE Alexander
Transportation research record 2675 (8), 10-21, 2021
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