Kamlesh Tiwari
Metal contamination of soil and translocation in vegetables growing under industrial wastewater irrigated agricultural field of Vadodara, Gujarat, India
KK Tiwari, NK Singh, MP Patel, MR Tiwari, UN Rai
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 74 (6), 1670-1677, 2011
A review of multimodal human activity recognition with special emphasis on classification, applications, challenges and future directions
SK Yadav, K Tiwari, HM Pandey, SA Akbar
Knowledge-Based Systems 223, 106970, 2021
Biodegradation of phenol by native microorganisms isolated from coke processing wastewater
S Chakraborty, T Bhattacharya, TN Patel, KK Tiwari
Journal of Environmental Biology 31 (3), 293, 2010
Chromium (VI) induced phytotoxicity and oxidative stress in pea (Pisum sativum L.): biochemical changes and translocation of essential nutrients
KK Tiwari, S Dwivedi, NK Singh, UN Rai, RD Tripathi
J Environ Biol 30 (3), 389-394, 2009
Phytoremediation efficiency of Portulaca tuberosa rox and Portulaca oleracea L. naturally growing in an industrial effluent irrigated area in Vadodra, Gujrat, India
KK Tiwari, S Dwivedi, S Mishra, S Srivastava, RD Tripathi, NK Singh, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 147, 15-22, 2008
Growth performance and biochemical responses of three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown in fly-ash amended soil
S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, S Srivastava, S Mishra, MK Shukla, KK Tiwari, ...
Chemosphere 67 (1), 140-151, 2007
Recent development in face recognition
U Jayaraman, P Gupta, S Gupta, G Arora, K Tiwari
Neurocomputing 408, 231-245, 2020
Multiple texture information fusion for finger-knuckle-print authentication system
A Nigam, K Tiwari, P Gupta
Neurocomputing 188, 190-205, 2016
Applications of fractional calculus in computer vision: a survey
S Arora, T Mathur, S Agarwal, K Tiwari, P Gupta
Neurocomputing 489, 407-428, 2022
Skeleton-based human activity recognition using ConvLSTM and guided feature learning
SK Yadav, K Tiwari, HM Pandey, SA Akbar
Soft Computing 26 (2), 877-890, 2022
Chromium Phytotoxicity in Radish (Raphanus sativus): Effects on Metabolism and Nutrient Uptake
KK Tiwari, NK Singh, UN Rai
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 91, 339-344, 2013
ARFDNet: An efficient activity recognition & fall detection system using latent feature pooling
SK Yadav, A Luthra, K Tiwari, HM Pandey, SA Akbar
Knowledge-Based Systems 239, 107948, 2022
CSITime: Privacy-preserving human activity recognition using WiFi channel state information
SK Yadav, S Sai, A Gundewar, H Rathore, K Tiwari, HM Pandey, ...
Neural Networks 146, 11-21, 2022
Designing palmprint based recognition system using local structure tensor and force field transformation for human identification
K Tiwari, DK Arya, GS Badrinath, P Gupta
Neurocomputing 116, 222-230, 2013
A touch-less fingerphoto recognition system for mobile hand-held devices
K Tiwari, P Gupta
2015 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 151-156, 2015
An efficient palmprint based recognition system using 1D-DCT features
GS Badrinath, K Tiwari, P Gupta
Intelligent Computing Technology: 8th International Conference, ICIC 2012 …, 2012
Fingerprint indexing schemes–a survey
P Gupta, K Tiwari, G Arora
Neurocomputing 335, 352-365, 2019
Studies on thermal stability of palm-sesame oil blends during deep fat frying
MR Tiwari, KK Tiwari, SD Toliwal
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2014
YogNet: A two-stream network for realtime multiperson yoga action recognition and posture correction
SK Yadav, A Agarwal, A Kumar, K Tiwari, HM Pandey, SA Akbar
Knowledge-Based Systems 250, 109097, 2022
Fusion of 4-slap fingerprint images with their qualities for human recognition
N Singh, K Tiwari, A Nigam, P Gupta
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 925-930, 2012
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