Antonio Vanderlei dos Santos
Antonio Vanderlei dos Santos
Professor de fisica URI
在 san.uri.br 的电子邮件经过验证
A saúde do trabalhador em radiologia: algumas considerações
CI Brand, RT Fontana, AV Santos
Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem 20, 68-75, 2011
Mössbauer spectroscopy, crystallographic, magnetic and electronic structure of ZnFe3N and InFe3N
CA Kuhnen, RS De Figueiredo, AV Dos Santos
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 219 (1), 58-68, 2000
Crystallographic and electronic structure of CuXFe4− XN
RS De Figueiredo, J Foct, AV Dos Santos, CA Kuhnen
Journal of alloys and compounds 315 (1-2), 42-50, 2001
Magnetic and electronic structure of the nitrides PdFe3N and MnFe3N
CA Kuhnen, AV Dos Santos
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 130 (1-3), 353-362, 1994
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of CoFe3N, CrFe3N and TiFe3N
AV Dos Santos, CA Kuhnen
Journal of alloys and compounds 321 (1), 60-66, 2001
Crystallographic, magnetic and electronic structure of iron-silver and iron-gold perovskite nitrides
RS De Figueiredo, CA Kuhnen, AV Dos Santos
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 173 (1-2), 141-154, 1997
Calculated electronic structure of SnFe3N
CA Kuhnen, AV Dos Santos
Solid state communications 85 (3), 273-279, 1993
Ground-state and thermal properties of substituted iron nitrides
CA Kuhnen, AV Dos Santos
Journal of alloys and compounds 297 (1-2), 68-72, 2000
Sistema de realidade virtual para simulação e visualização de cargas pontuais discretas e seu campo elétrico
AV Santos, SR Santos, LM Fraga
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 24, 185-195, 2002
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Fe4C
AV Dos Santos, MI Da Costa, CA Kuhnen
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 166 (1-2), 223-230, 1997
Electronic and magnetic properties of AlFe3 and AlFe3N nitride
CA Kuhnen, AV Dos Santos
Journal of alloys and compounds 384 (1-2), 80-87, 2004
Determination of the stability and magnetic properties of Fe–Pd nitride using the generalised gradient approximation (GGA)
AV dos Santos, G Padilha, M Monçalves
Solid state sciences 14 (2), 269-275, 2012
Health education as a strategy for healthy sexuality
RT Fontana, AV dos Santos, ZP de Brum
Revista de pesquisa Cuidado e fundamental Online 5 (4), 529-536, 2013
Comparative study between LMTO and FPLAPW into the calculation of the electronic structure of carbide Cr23C6
AV dos Santos
Physica B: Condensed Matter 387 (1-2), 136-142, 2007
A study of grain boundary precipitation during plasma nitriding of steel
M Tier, AV Dos Santos, C Kuhnen
Fifteenth International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, 225-231, 2001
Análise de mercado dos produtos da agroindústria familiar: Estudo de caso do perfil do consumidor e do produtor Santo-Angelense–Rio Grande do Sul–Brasil
CL Hahn, VA Casarin, AV dos Santos, RL Miranda, LCV Ortiz
Revista Espacios 38 (5), 2017
Dehydration studies of rare earth p-toluenesulfonate hydrates by TG/DTG and DSC
AV Dos Santos, JR Matos
Journal of alloys and compounds 344 (1-2), 195-198, 2002
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RuFe3N nitride
AV dos Santos, CA Kuhnen
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182 (11), 3183-3187, 2009
Electronic structure calculations and ground state properties of V4N, FeV3N and VFe3N nitrides and ordered FeV3 and VFe3 compounds
AV Dos Santos, JC Krause, CA Kuhnen
Physica B: Condensed Matter 382 (1-2), 290-299, 2006
Ab initio investigation of the substitution effects of 2p elements on the electronic structure of γ-Fe4X (X= B, C, N, and O) in the ground state
AV dos Santos, CAS Pérez
Journal of Materials Research 31 (2), 202-212, 2016
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