Ulrik Lidwall
Ulrik Lidwall
Forskare och analytiker, PhD, Försäkringsmedicin Karolinska Institutet, Analys och Prognos Försäkringskassan
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What is healthy work for women and men?–A case-control study of gender-and sector-specific effects of psycho-social working conditions on long-term sickness absence
U Lidwall, S Marklund
Work 27 (2), 153-163, 2006
Sick leave diagnoses and return to work: a Swedish register study
U Lidwall
Disability and rehabilitation 37 (5), 396-410, 2015
Sick leave patterns in common musculoskeletal disorders–a study of doctor prescribed sick leave
J Hubertsson, M Englund, U Hallgårde, U Lidwall, S Löfvendahl, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 15, 1-9, 2014
Work–family interference and long-term sickness absence: a longitudinal cohort study
U Lidwall, S Marklund, M Voss
European journal of public health 20 (6), 676-681, 2010
Mental disorder sick leave in Sweden: a population study
U Lidwall, S Bill, E Palmer, C Olsson Bohlin
Work 59 (2), 259-272, 2018
Trends in long‐term sickness absence in Sweden 1992–2008: the role of economic conditions, legislation, demography, work environment and alcohol consumption
U Lidwall, S Marklund
International Journal of Social Welfare 20 (2), 167-179, 2011
Long-term sickness absence: changes in risk factors and the population at risk.
U Lidwall, S Bergendorff, M Voss, S Marklund
International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health 22 (2), 2009
Termination of sickness benefits or transition to disability pension after changes in sickness insurance: a Swedish register study
U Lidwall
Disability and rehabilitation 35 (2), 118-124, 2013
Sickness absence in Sweden
U Lidwall, S Marklund, P Skogman Thoursie
Worklife and health in Sweden, 183-204, 2004
Effort–reward imbalance, overcommitment and their associations with all-cause and mental disorder long-term sick leave–A case-control study of the Swedish working population
U Lidwall
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 29 …, 2016
The Swedish HealthPhys study: study description and prevalence of clinical burnout and major depression among physicians
E Hagqvist, K Ekberg, U Lidwall, A Nyberg, BJ Landstad, A Wilczek, ...
Chronic Stress 6, 24705470221083866, 2022
Long-term sickness absence: Aspects of society, work, and family
U Lidwall
PQDT-Global, 2010
Sjukskrivning och förtidspensionering under de senaste decennierna
U Lidwall, PS Thoursie
Inst. för social forskning,(SOFI), Univ., 2000
Does unbalanced gender composition in the workplace influence the association between psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence?
R Jonsson, U Lidwall, K Holmgren
Work 46 (1), 59-66, 2013
Utvecklingen av sjukfrånvaron i Sverige
U Lidwall, S Marklund, P Skogman Thoursie
Arbetsliv och hälsa 2004, 173-193, 2004
Long-term sickness absence. Aspects of Society
U Lidwall
Work, and Family. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, 2010
Is work–life interference a risk factor for sickness absence? A longitudinal study of the Swedish working population
E Hagqvist, U Lidwall, C Leineweber
European journal of public health 32 (3), 398-401, 2022
Sickness absence during the last decades
U Lidwall, P Skogman Thoursie
Worklife and health in Sweden, 81-100, 2000
Sjukfrånvaro och förtidspension: en beskrivning och analys av utvecklingen under de senaste decennierna
U Lidwall, PS Thoursie
Riksförsäkringsverket, 2000
Gender composition in occupations and branches and medically certified sick leave: a prospective population study
U Lidwall
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 94, 1659-1670, 2021
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