Sara Savi
Sara Savi
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100 kyr fluvial cut-and-fill terrace cycles since the Middle Pleistocene in the southern Central Andes, NW Argentina
S Tofelde, TF Schildgen, S Savi, H Pingel, AD Wickert, B Bookhagen, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 473, 141-153, 2017
Pronounced increase in slope instability linked to global warming: A case study from the eastern European Alps
S Savi, F Comiti, MR Strecker
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46 (7), 1328-1347, 2021
Geomorphic coupling between hillslopes and channels in the Swiss Alps
S Savi, M Schneuwly‐Bollschweiler, B Bommer‐Denns, M Stoffel, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (9), 959-969, 2013
Alluvial channel response to environmental perturbations: fill-terrace formation and sediment-signal disruption
S Tofelde, S Savi, AD Wickert, A Bufe, TF Schildgen
Earth Surface Dynamics 7 (2), 609-631, 2019
Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change in NW Argentina: Sediment flux modulated by basin geometry and connectivity
TF Schildgen, RAJ Robinson, S Savi, WM Phillips, JQG Spencer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (2), 392-414, 2016
Effects of sediment mixing on 10Be concentrations in the Zielbach catchment, central-eastern Italian Alps
S Savi, K Norton, V Picotti, F Brardinoni, N Akçar, PW Kubik, R Delunel, ...
Quaternary geochronology 19, 148-162, 2014
Efficiency of frost-cracking processes through space and time: An example from the eastern Italian Alps
S Savi, R Delunel, F Schlunegger
Geomorphology 232, 248-260, 2015
Quantifying sediment supply at the end of the last glaciation: dynamic reconstruction of an alpine debris flow fan
PKFS Sara Savi, Kevin P. Norton, Vincenzo Picotti, Naki
Geological Society of america Bullettin, 2014
Interactions between main channels and tributary alluvial fans: channel adjustments and sediment-signal propagation
S Savi, S Tofelde, AD Wickert, A Bufe, TF Schildgen, MR Strecker
Earth Surface Dynamics 8 (2), 303-322, 2020
Climatic controls on debris‐flow activity and sediment aggradation: The Del Medio fan, NW Argentina
S Savi, TF Schildgen, S Tofelde, H Wittmann, D Scherler, J Mey, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (12), 2424-2445, 2016
Bedload fluxes in a glacier‐fed river at multiple temporal scales
V Coviello, G Vignoli, S Simoni, W Bertoldi, M Engel, A Buter, G Marchetti, ...
Water Resources Research 58 (10), e2021WR031873, 2022
Effects of catchment characteristics and hydro-meteorological scenarios on sediment connectivity in glacierised catchments
A Buter, T Heckmann, L Filisetti, S Savi, L Mao, B Gems, F Comiti
Geomorphology 402, 108128, 2022
Multi-temporal analysis of morphological changes in an Alpine proglacial area and their effect on sediment transfer
S Savi, A Buter, T Heckmann, J Theule, L Mao, F Comiti
Catena 220, 106701, 2023
The sulden/solda glacier (Eastern Italian Alps): Fluctuations, dynamics, and topographic control over the last 200 years
S Savi, R Dinale, F Comiti
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria 44 (1), 2021
Meltwater-driven sediment transport dynamics in two contrasting alpine proglacial streams
M Engel, V Coviello, S Savi, A Buter, A Andreoli, S Miyata, G Marchetti, ...
Journal of Hydrology 635, 131171, 2024
Sediment dynamics in glacierized catchments: a comparison study from two proglacial streams in the Sulden catchment (Eastern Italian Alps)
M Engel, V Coviello, A Buter, R Carillo, S Miyata, G Marchetti, A Andreoli, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11199, 2020
Sediment export from an Alpine proglacial area under a changing climate: Budgets, rates, and geomorphological processes
S Savi, F Pitscheider, M Engel, V Coviello, MR Strecker, F Comiti
Geomorphology 462, 109343, 2024
Self-consistently matching sediment supply, water discharge, and channel slope: Lane's balance at the catchment scale
AD Wickert, TF Schildgen, S Tofelde, S Savi, Y Rojo, S Fleagle, ...
AGU fall meeting abstracts 2020, EP014-06, 2020
Determination limits for cosmogenic 10Be and their importance for geomorphic applications
S Savi, S Tofelde, H Wittmann, F Castino, T Schildgen
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2017, 1-26, 2017
How does sediment mixing affect 10Be concentrations in alluvial sediments? A case study from a small catchment of the Alps, Zielbach, Alto Adige, Italy
S Savi, K Norton, F Schlunegger, V Picotti, F Brardinoni, N Akçar, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1822, 2012
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