Nam ji Kwon
Nam ji Kwon
在 korea.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
A review of drug abuse in recently reported cases of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) in Asia, USA, and Europe
EH N ji Kown
Forensic science international, 2019
A commentary on the effects of methamphetamine and the status of methamphetamine abuse among youths in South Korea, Japan, and China
N ji Kwon, E Han
Forensic science international 286, 81-85, 2018
Illegal use patterns, side effects, and analytical methods of ketamine
E Han, N ji Kwon, LY Feng, JH Li, H Chung
Forensic Science International 268, 25-34, 2016
A review on the abuse of three NPS (synthetic cannabinoids, kratom, poppers) among youths in Asia
K Bae, N ji Kwon, E Han
Forensic science international 292, 45-49, 2018
Residues determination and dietary exposure to ethoxyquin and ethoxyquin dimer in farmed aquatic animals in South Korea
SY Choi, N ji Kwon, HS Kang, J Kim, BH Cho, JH Oh
Food Control 111, 107067, 2020
Web-based Korean maximum residue limit evaluation tools: an applied example of maximum residue limit evaluation for trichlorfon in fishery products
HS Kang, NJ Kwon, J Jeong, K Lee, H Lee
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 7284-7299, 2019
Multi residue determination of 96 veterinary drug residues in domestic livestock and fishery products in South Korea
H Park, SY Choi, HS Kang, N ji Kwon
Aquaculture 553, 738064, 2022
Development of a LC–MS/MS method for determination of propofol-glucuronide in hair and preliminary study on relationships between dose and hair concentration
N ji Kwon, HJ Kim, S Cho, MA Lee, E Han
Forensic science international 306, 110070, 2020
Korean Rural Development Administration's web based food and nutrient database management and validation system (NutriManager)–A report
H Lee, E Han, N ji Kwon, Y Kim, S Kim, H Kim, SG Min
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 62, 231-238, 2017
Prediction of mycotoxin risks due to climate change in Korea
HS Lee, N Kwon, Y Kim, H Lee
Applied Biological Chemistry 61, 389-396, 2018
Development of nutritional risk assessment platform in Korea
H Lee, N ji Kwon, Y Kim, E Han
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 98, 9-17, 2018
Review of the roles of health professionals about the use of anorectics: A narrative review article
N Kwon, E Han
International Journal of Pharmacology, 2017
MIMS/MAP DB 기반 식품 중 신속 유해물질 노출평가 체계 구축
고아라, 권남지, 허지영, 김예진, 이헌주
한국법과학회 학술발표집, 2018
MIMS/MAP DB 기반 국민개인별 식품섭취량 산출 시스템 개발
고아라, 권남지, 허지영, 김예진, 이헌주
한국법과학회 학술발표집, 2018
잔류농약의 식이노출량 평가를 위한 국민건강영양조사 미산출 식품 섭취량 산출 연구 (Ⅱ)
이중근, 고아라, 권남지, 주효정, 김문숙, 정해랑
한국환경농학회 학술발표논문집 2018, 159-159, 2018
데이터베이스 정규화 이론을 이용한 국민건강영양조사 중다년도 식이조사 자료 정제 및 통합
권남지, 서지혜, 이헌주
한국환경보건학회지 43 (4), 298-306, 2017
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