Abduladhem Abdulkareem  Ali
Abduladhem Abdulkareem Ali
Professor, College of Engineering, University of Basrah
在 uobasrah.edu.iq 的电子邮件经过验证
Path planning with obstacle avoidance based on visibility binary tree algorithm
AT Rashid, AA Ali, M Frasca, L Fortuna
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 61 (12), 1440-1449, 2013
A k-nearest neighbor based algorithm for human arm movements recognition using EMG signals
MZ Al-Faiz, AA Ali, AH Miry
2010 1st International Conference on Energy, Power and Control (EPC-IQ), 159-167, 2010
Multi-robot localization and orientation estimation using robotic cluster matching algorithm
AT Rashid, M Frasca, AA Ali, A Rizzo, L Fortuna
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 63, 108-121, 2015
An algorithm for multi-robot collision-free navigation based on shortest distance
AA Ali, AT Rashid, M Frasca, L Fortuna
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 119-128, 2016
Artemia swarm dynamics and path tracking
MT Rashid, M Frasca, AA Ali, RS Ali, L Fortuna, MG Xibilia
Nonlinear Dynamics 68, 555-563, 2012
Distance estimation and vehicle position detection based on monocular camera
AA Ali, HA Hussein
2016 Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and …, 2016
Design Optimal PID Controller for Quad Rotor System
MJ Mohammed, MT Rashid, AA Ali
International Journal of Computer Applications 106 (3), 15-20, 2014
Compressed fuzzy logic based multi-criteria AODV routing in VANET environment
TO Fahad, AA Ali
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9 (1), 397, 2019
Multi-robot collision-free navigation based on reciprocal orientation
AT Rashid, AA Ali, M Frasca, L Fortuna
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2012
Nonlinear model identification for Artemia population motion
MT Rashid, M Frasca, AA Ali, RS Ali, L Fortuna, MG Xibilia
Nonlinear Dynamics 69, 2237-2243, 2012
Improvement of AODV Routing on MANETs Using Fuzzy Systems
TO Fahad, AA Ali
Proceedings of 1st International Conference of Energy, Power, and Control …, 2010
Wireless underwater mobile robot system based on ZigBee
MT Rashid, AA Ali, RS Ali, L Fortuna, M Frasca, MG Xibilia
2012 International Conference on Future Communication Networks, 117-122, 2012
An optimized complementary filter for an inertial measurement unit contain MPU6050 sensor
A Albaghdadi, A Ali
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering 15 (2), 71-77, 2019
Multiobjective Optimized Routing Protocol for VANETs
TO Fahad, AA Ali
Advances in fuzzy systems, 10, 2018
Smart intensive care unit desgin based on wireless sensor network and internet of things
HS Ahmed, AA Ali
2016 Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and …, 2016
Classification of Electroencephalograph (EEG) Signals Using Quantum Neural Network
IA Aljazaery, AA Ali, HM Abdulridha
Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ) 4 (6), 329, 2011
Arabic phoneme recognition using hierarchical neural fuzzy petri net and LPC feature extraction
GS Mosa, AA Ali
Signal Process. An Int. J 3 (5), 161-171, 2009
Complexity in a population of Artemia
AA Ali, L Fortuna, M Frasca, MT Rashid, MG Xibilia
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 44 (4-5), 306-316, 2011
Vibration data compression in wireless sensors network
KA Jaafar, IN Saleh, AA Abduladhem
2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2012
Data compression in wireless sensors network using MDCT and embedded harmonic coding
JK Alsalaet, AA Ali
ISA transactions 56, 261-267, 2015
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