Leonardo Coelho Rabello de Lima
Leonardo Coelho Rabello de Lima
Assistant Professor, EEFERP USP
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Explosive training and heavy weight training are effective for improving running economy in endurance athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
BS Denadai, RA de Aguiar, LCR de Lima, CC Greco, F Caputo
Sports medicine 47, 545-554, 2017
Exercise‐Induced Muscle Damage and Running Economy in Humans
CO Assumpção, LCR Lima, FBD Oliveira, CC Greco, BS Denadai
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 189149, 2013
Performance factors in a mountain ultramarathon
P Balducci, M Clémençon, R Trama, Y Blache, C Hautier
International journal of sports medicine 38 (11), 819-826, 2017
Consumption of cherries as a strategy to attenuate exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammation in humans
LCR de Lima, C de Oliveira Assumpção, J Prestes, BS Denadai
Nutricion Hospitalaria 32 (5), 1885-1893, 2015
Attenuation of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage conferred by maximal isometric contractions: a mini review
LCR Lima, BS Denadai
Frontiers in physiology 6, 300, 2015
Postactivation potentiation biases maximal isometric strength assessment
LCR Lima, FBD Oliveira, TP Oliveira, CO Assumpcao, CC Greco, ...
BioMed Research International 2014 (1), 126961, 2014
Consumption of an anthocyanin-rich antioxidant juice accelerates recovery of running economy and indirect markers of exercise-induced muscle damage following downhill running
LCR Lima, RV Barreto, NM Bassan, CC Greco, BS Denadai
Nutrients 11 (10), 2274, 2019
Reliability of isometric and isokinetic peak torque of elbow flexors and elbow extensors muscles in trained swimmers
NM Bassan, LB Simões, TEAS Cesar, RAC Caritá, LCR Lima, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano 17, 507-516, 2015
Moving forward with backward pedaling: A review on eccentric cycling
RV Barreto, LCR de Lima, BS Denadai
European Journal of Applied Physiology 121, 381-407, 2021
Impact of moderate aerobic training on physical capacities of hypertensive obese elderly
RM Ramos, HJ Coelho-Júnior, RY Asano, RCR Prado, R Silveira, ...
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 5, 2333721419859691, 2019
Effects of resistance training on impulse above end‐test torque and muscle fatigue
N de Menezes Bassan, BS Denadai, LCR de Lima, RAC Caritá, ...
Experimental physiology 104 (7), 1115-1125, 2019
Decreased running economy is not associated with decreased force production capacity following downhill running in untrained, young men
LCR Lima, K Nosaka, TC Chen, RS Pinto, CC Greco, BS Denadai
European Journal of Sport Science 21 (1), 84-92, 2021
Protective effect conferred by isometric preconditioning against slow-and fast-velocity eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage
RV Barreto, LCR De Lima, CC Greco, BS Denadai
Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1203, 2019
Isometric pre-conditioning blunts exercise-induced muscle damage but does not attenuate changes in running economy following downhill running
LCR Lima, NM Bassan, AC Cardozo, M Gonçalves, CC Greco, ...
Human Movement Science 60, 1-9, 2018
The repeated bout effect: a comparison between upper and lower limbs
LCR Lima, BS Denadai
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 17, 738-747, 2011
Chronic adaptations to eccentric cycling training: a systematic review and meta-analysis
RV Barreto, LCR de Lima, FK Borszcz, RD de Lucas, BS Denadai
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4), 2861, 2023
Monitoring muscle damage markers during a four-week downhill walking exercise program
LCR Lima, TP Oliveira, FBD Oliveira, CO Assumpção, CC Greco, ...
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 19, 703-708, 2013
Efeito protetor após sessões de exercício excêntrico: comparação entre membros superiores e inferiores
LCR Lima, BS Denadai
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 17, 738-747, 2011
Rabdomiólise induzida pelo exercício de força: revisão e análise dos principais relatos dos últimos 25 anos
SC Magalhães, LCR de Lima, LC Brito, C de Oliveira Assumpção
Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento 26 (1), 189-199, 2018
Neuromuscular profile of handball players during a short-term condensed competition in Brazil
LCR Lima, IP Teixeira, PM Nakamura, MY Hayakawa, CO Assumpção, ...
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano 17 (4), 389-399, 2015
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