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A new approach for investigating the permanent deformation behaviour of unbound granular material using the repeated loading triaxial apparatus
G Gidel, P Hornych, D Breysse, A Denis
Bulletin des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, 2001
Root anchorage of inner and edge trees in stands of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) growing in different podzolic soil conditions
V Cucchi, C Meredieu, A Stokes, S Berthier, D Bert, M Najar, A Denis, ...
Trees 18, 460-466, 2004
Nouvelle approche pour l’étude des déformations permanentes des graves non traitées à l’appareil triaxial à chargements répétés
G Gidel, P Hornych, JJ Chauvin, D Breysse, A Denis
Bulletin de Liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées 233, 5-21, 2001
Estimation of epikarst air PCO2 using measurements of water δ13CTDIC, cave air PCO2 and δ13CCO2
N Peyraube, R Lastennet, A Denis, P Malaurent
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 118, 1-17, 2013
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the unsaturated zone of a karstic massif, using the PCO2–SIc relationship
N Peyraube, R Lastennet, A Denis
Journal of hydrology 430, 13-24, 2012
Using the entropy of curves to segment a time or spatial series
A Denis, F Crémoux
Mathematical Geology 34, 899-914, 2002
Identification of functional relationships between atmospheric pressure and CO2 in the cave of Lascaux using the concept of entropy of curves
A Denis, R Lastennet, F Huneau, P Malaurent
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (5), 2005
Electrical resistivity tomography to understand clay behavior during seasonal water content variations
M Chrétien, JF Lataste, R Fabre, A Denis
Engineering geology 169, 112-123, 2014
Electrical resistivity borehole measurements: application to an urban tunnel site
A Denis, A Marache, T Obellianne, D Breysse
Journal of Applied Geophysics 50 (3), 319-331, 2002
Non-destructive evaluation of cracks in massive concrete using normal dc resistivity logging
E Taillet, JF Lataste, P Rivard, A Denis
NDT & E International 63, 11-20, 2014
The effects of soil spatial variability on the reliability of rigid buried pipes
SM Elachachi, D Breysse, A Denis
Computers and Geotechnics 43, 61-71, 2012
Effect of coarse aggregate on the workability of sandcrete
A Denis, A Attar, D Breysse, JJ Chauvin
Cement and Concrete Research 32 (5), 701-706, 2002
Groundwater-flow characterization in a multilayered karst aquifer on the edge of a sedimentary basin in western France
G Lorette, R Lastennet, N Peyraube, A Denis
Journal of Hydrology 566, 137-149, 2018
Assessing cave internal aerology in understanding carbon dioxide (CO2) dynamics: implications on calcite mass variation on the wall of Lascaux Cave (France)
N Houillon, R Lastennet, A Denis, P Malaurent, S Minvielle, N Peyraube
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-19, 2017
Influence of soil heterogeneity on load redistribution and settlement of a hyperstatic three-support frame
L Houy, D Breysse, A Denis
Geotechnique 55 (2), 163-170, 2005
Experimental analysis of heat transfer and airflow in a closed refrigerated display cabinet
N Chaomuang, D Flick, A Denis, O Laguerre
Journal of Food Engineering 244, 101-114, 2019
In situ study of the shrinkage-swelling of a clay soil over several cycles of drought-rewetting
M Fernandes, A Denis, R Fabre, JF Lataste, M Chrétien
Engineering Geology 192, 63-75, 2015
A laboratory cave for the study of wall degradation in rock art caves: an implementation in the Vézère area
D Lacanette, D Large, C Ferrier, N Aujoulat, F Bastian, A Denis, V Jurado, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2), 894-903, 2013
Effects of longitudinal variability of soil on a continuous spread footing
A Denis, SM Elachachi, H Niandou
Engineering geology 122 (3-4), 179-190, 2011
Understanding subsurface geological and geotechnical complexity at various scales in urban soils using a 3D model
A Marache, J Dubost, D Breysse, A Denis, S Dominique
Georisk 3 (4), 192-205, 2009
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