Jodi Gilman
Jodi Gilman
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
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Cannabis use is quantitatively associated with nucleus accumbens and amygdala abnormalities in young adult recreational users
JM Gilman, JK Kuster, S Lee, MJ Lee, BW Kim, N Makris, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (16), 5529-5538, 2014
Why we like to drink: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the rewarding and anxiolytic effects of alcohol
JM Gilman, VA Ramchandani, MB Davis, JM Bjork, DW Hommer
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (18), 4583-4591, 2008
Optimizing real time fMRI neurofeedback for therapeutic discovery and development
LE Stoeckel, KA Garrison, SS Ghosh, P Wighton, CA Hanlon, JM Gilman, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 5, 245-255, 2014
Neurokinin 1 receptor antagonism as a possible therapy for alcoholism
DT George, J Gilman, J Hersh, A Thorsell, D Herion, C Geyer, X Peng, ...
Science 319 (5869), 1536-1539, 2008
Imaging brain response to reward in addictive disorders
DW Hommer, JM Bjork, JM Gilman
Annals of the new York Academy of Sciences 1216 (1), 50-61, 2011
Stimulant and sedative effects of alcohol
RA Hendler, VA Ramchandani, J Gilman, DW Hommer
Behavioral neurobiology of alcohol addiction, 489-509, 2013
The effects of acute alcohol administration on the human brain: insights from neuroimaging
JM Bjork, JM Gilman
Neuropharmacology 84, 101-110, 2014
IMAGING STUDY: Modulation of brain response to emotional images by alcohol cues in alcohol‐dependent patients
JM Gilman, DW Hommer
Addiction biology 13 (3‐4), 423-434, 2008
Subjective and neural responses to intravenous alcohol in young adults with light and heavy drinking patterns
JM Gilman, VA Ramchandani, T Crouss, DW Hommer
Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (2), 467-477, 2012
The effect of intravenous alcohol on the neural correlates of risky decision making in healthy social drinkers
JM Gilman, AR Smith, VA Ramchandani, R Momenan, DW Hommer
Addiction biology 17 (2), 465-478, 2012
One month of cannabis abstinence in adolescents and young adults is associated with improved memory
RM Schuster, J Gilman, D Schoenfeld, J Evenden, M Hareli, C Ulysse, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 79 (6), 2484, 2018
Early onset marijuana use is associated with learning inefficiencies.
RM Schuster, SS Hoeppner, AE Evins, JM Gilman
Neuropsychology 30 (4), 405, 2016
Impulsive social influence increases impulsive choices on a temporal discounting task in young adults
JM Gilman, MT Curran, V Calderon, LE Stoeckel, AE Evins
PLoS One 9 (7), e101570, 2014
Single dose propranolol does not affect physiologic or emotional reactivity to smoking cues
GN Pachas, J Gilman, SP Orr, B Hoeppner, SV Carlini, T Loebl, J Nino, ...
Psychopharmacology 232, 1619-1628, 2015
Effect of medical marijuana card ownership on pain, insomnia, and affective disorder symptoms in adults: a randomized clinical trial
JM Gilman, RM Schuster, KW Potter, W Schmitt, G Wheeler, GN Pachas, ...
JAMA network open 5 (3), e222106-e222106, 2022
Young adult cannabis users report greater propensity for risk-taking only in non-monetary domains
JM Gilman, V Calderon, MT Curran, AE Evins
Drug and alcohol dependence 147, 26-31, 2015
Cannabis‐related episodic memory deficits and hippocampal morphological differences in healthy individuals and schizophrenia subjects
MJ Smith, DJ Cobia, JL Reilly, JM Gilman, AG Roberts, KI Alpert, L Wang, ...
Hippocampus 25 (9), 1042-1051, 2015
Revisiting the role of the insula and smoking cue-reactivity in relapse: a replication and extension of neuroimaging findings
AC Janes, JM Gilman, M Radoman, G Pachas, M Fava, AE Evins
Drug and alcohol dependence 179, 8-12, 2017
Parental alcohol use and brain volumes in early-and late-onset alcoholics
JM Gilman, JM Bjork, DW Hommer
Biological Psychiatry 62 (6), 607-615, 2007
Verbal memory performance and reduced cortical thickness of brain regions along the uncinate fasciculus in young adult cannabis users
N Levar, AN Francis, MJ Smith, WC Ho, JM Gilman
Cannabis and cannabinoid research 3 (1), 56-65, 2018
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