Prediction of cardiac arrest in critically ill patients presenting to the emergency department using a machine learning score incorporating heart rate variability compared with …
MEH Ong, CH Lee Ng, K Goh, N Liu, ZX Koh, N Shahidah, TT Zhang, ...
Critical Care 16, 1-12, 2012
Landmark recognition with sparse representation classification and extreme learning machine
J Cao, Y Zhao, X Lai, MEH Ong, C Yin, ZX Koh, N Liu
Journal of the Franklin Institute 352 (10), 4528-4545, 2015
Improving the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation by training dedicated cardiac arrest teams incorporating a mechanical load-distributing device at the emergency department
MEH Ong, JLJ Quah, A Annathurai, NM Noor, ZX Koh, KBK Tan, ...
Resuscitation 84 (4), 508-514, 2013
Comparing HEART, TIMI, and GRACE scores for prediction of 30-day major adverse cardiac events in high acuity chest pain patients in the emergency department
JT Sakamoto, N Liu, ZX Koh, NXJ Fung, MLA Heldeweg, JCJ Ng, ...
International journal of cardiology 221, 759-764, 2016
Heart rate variability based machine learning models for risk prediction of suspected sepsis patients in the emergency department
CJ Chiew, N Liu, T Tagami, TH Wong, ZX Koh, MEH Ong
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Prediction of adverse cardiac events in emergency department patients with chest pain using machine learning for variable selection
N Liu, ZX Koh, J Goh, Z Lin, B Haaland, BP Ting, MEH Ong
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How accurate are vital signs in predicting clinical outcomes in critically ill emergency department patients
W Hong, A Earnest, P Sultana, Z Koh, N Shahidah, MEH Ong
European Journal of Emergency Medicine 20 (1), 27-32, 2013
Risk Scoring for Prediction of Acute Cardiac Complications From Imbalanced Clinical Data
N Liu, ZX Koh, E Chua, L Tan, Z Lin, B Mirza, M Ong
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An intelligent scoring system and its application to cardiac arrest prediction
N Liu, Z Lin, J Cao, Z Koh, T Zhang, GB Huang, W Ser, MEH Ong
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 16 (6), 1324-1331, 2012
Heart rate variability risk score for prediction of acute cardiac complications in ED patients with chest pain
MEH Ong, K Goh, S Fook-Chong, B Haaland, KL Wai, ZX Koh, ...
The American journal of emergency medicine 31 (8), 1201-1207, 2013
A novel heart rate variability based risk prediction model for septic patients presenting to the emergency department
N Liu, SM Prabhakar, SL Chong, WK Lye, ZX Koh, D Guo, R Rajesh, ...
Medicine 97 (23), e10866, 2018
Poor performance of the modified early warning score for predicting mortality in critically ill patients presenting to an emergency department
H Li, N Shahidah, ZX Koh, P Sultana, MEH Ong
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A novel cardiovascular risk stratification model incorporating ECG and heart rate variability for patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain
MLA Heldeweg, N Liu, ZX Koh, S Fook-Chong, WK Lye, M Harms, ...
Critical Care 20, 1-9, 2016
Improved neurologically intact survival with the use of an automated, load-distributing band chest compression device for cardiac arrest presenting to the emergency department
ME Hock Ong, S Fook-Chong, A Annathurai, SH Ang, L Tiah, KL Yong, ...
Critical Care 16, 1-10, 2012
Patient outcome prediction with heart rate variability and vital signs
N Liu, Z Lin, Z Koh, GB Huang, W Ser, MEH Ong
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 64, 265-278, 2011
EZ-IO in the ED: an observational, prospective study comparing flow rates with proximal and distal tibia intraosseous access in adults
BKK Tan, S Chong, ZX Koh, MEH Ong
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Clinical evaluation of intravenous alone versus intravenous or intraosseous access for treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
BKK Tan, YX Chin, ZX Koh, NAZBM Said, M Rahmat, S Fook-Chong, ...
Resuscitation 159, 129-136, 2021
Heart rate n-variability (HRnV) and its application to risk stratification of chest pain patients in the emergency department
N Liu, D Guo, ZX Koh, AFW Ho, F Xie, T Tagami, JT Sakamoto, PP Pek, ...
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 20, 1-14, 2020
Combining quick sequential organ failure assessment score with heart rate variability may improve predictive ability for mortality in septic patients at the emergency department
SM Prabhakar, T Tagami, N Liu, MI Samsudin, JCJ Ng, ZX Koh, MEH Ong
PLoS One 14 (3), e0213445, 2019
Clinical scores for risk stratification of chest pain patients in the emergency department: an updated systematic review
N Liu, JCJ Ng, CE Ting, JT Sakamoto, AFW Ho, ZX Koh, PP Pek, SH Lim, ...
Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine 2 (2), 2018
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