Ensemble based collaborative and distributed intrusion detection systems: A survey G Folino, P Sabatino Journal of Network and Computer Applications 66, 1-16, 2016 | 161 | 2016 |
GP ensemble for distributed intrusion detection systems G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 54-62, 2005 | 87 | 2005 |
Genetic programming and simulated annealing: A hybrid method to evolve decision trees G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano European Conference on Genetic Programming, 294-303, 2000 | 86 | 2000 |
Parallel hybrid method for SAT that couples genetic algorithms and local search G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5 (4), 323-334, 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
A scalable cellular implementation of parallel genetic programming G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 7 (1), 37-53, 2003 | 77 | 2003 |
Statistical genetic programming for symbolic regression MA Haeri, MM Ebadzadeh, G Folino Applied Soft Computing 60, 447-469, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
MTR: taxonomic annotation of short metagenomic reads using clustering at multiple taxonomic ranks F Gori, G Folino, MSM Jetten, E Marchiori Bioinformatics 27 (2), 196-203, 2011 | 70 | 2011 |
An ensemble-based evolutionary framework for coping with distributed intrusion detection G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 11 (2), 131-146, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
A cellular genetic programming approach to classification G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano Proc Of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO99 2, 1999 | 69 | 1999 |
GP ensembles for large-scale data classification G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 10 (5), 604-616, 2006 | 61 | 2006 |
A model based on cellular automata for the parallel simulation of 3D unsaturated flow G Folino, G Mendicino, A Senatore, G Spezzano, S Straface Parallel Computing 32 (5), 357-376, 2006 | 60 | 2006 |
Training distributed gp ensemble with a selective algorithm based on clustering and pruning for pattern classification G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 12 (4), 458-468, 2008 | 55 | 2008 |
An adaptive distributed ensemble approach to mine concept-drifting data streams G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence …, 2007 | 52 | 2007 |
Combining cellular genetic algorithms and local search for solving satisfiability problems G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1998. Proceedings. Tenth IEEE …, 1998 | 51 | 1998 |
On learning effective ensembles of deep neural networks for intrusion detection F Folino, G Folino, M Guarascio, FS Pisani, L Pontieri Information Fusion 72, 48-69, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Distributed nearest neighbor-based condensation of very large data sets F Angiulli, G Folino IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (12), 1593-1606, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
An adaptive flocking algorithm for performing approximate clustering G Folino, A Forestiero, G Spezzano Information Sciences 179 (18), 3059-3078, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
An adaptive flocking algorithm for spatial clustering G Folino, G Spezzano International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 924-933, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Ensemble techniques for parallel genetic programming based classifiers G Folino, C Pizzuti, G Spezzano Genetic Programming, 235-299, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |
A Bayesian approach for combining ensembles of GP classifiers C De Stefano, F Fontanella, G Folino, AS Di Freca International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, 26-35, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |