JaeHong Yoon
JaeHong Yoon
Seoul National University Hospital
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Lookism hurts: appearance discrimination and self-rated health in South Korea
H Lee, I Son, J Yoon, SS Kim
International journal for equity in health 16, 1-7, 2017
Job insecurity is associated with presenteeism, but not with absenteeism: A study of 19 720 full-time waged workers in South Korea
JH Kim, J Yoon, J Bahk, SS Kim
Journal of Occupational Health 62 (1), e12143, 2020
Association between interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and suicidal behaviors: A longitudinal cohort study in South Korea
JY Kim, J Yoon, MH Kim, SS Kim
Preventive Medicine 99, 218-221, 2017
Sexual harassment and its relationship with depressive symptoms: A nationwide study of Korean EMS providers
J Yoo, JH Kim, J Yoon, SS Kim
American journal of industrial medicine 62 (1), 74-79, 2019
Association between long working hours and depressive symptoms among interns and residents in South Korea-2014 Korea interns & residents survey
JH Kim, J Yoon, SS Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 25 (2 …, 2015
Health inequalities of 57,541 prisoners in Korea: a comparison with the general population
S Yoon, YS Ju, J Yoon, JH Kim, B Choi, SS Kim
Epidemiology and health 43, 2021
The relationship between experience of workplace violence and musculoskeletal pain among wage Workers in South Korea
J Yoon, H Sung, Y Kim, SS Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 25 (2 …, 2015
Geographic Distribution of Central Nervous System Rehabilitation Treatment in Korea and Its Associated Factors
S Dong-Gyun, Y Jaehong, R Jun-Soo, L Ja-Ho
Journal of Korean Medical Science 38 (20), e147, 2023
Adolescent bullying victimization at secondary school and adult suicidality and depressive symptoms among 2152 lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in South Korea
J Park, H Lee, B Choi, JH Kim, J Yoon, H Yi, S Choo, SS Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 34 (4), 338-345, 2022
Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and Suicidal Ideation Among Female and Male Adults in South Korea: A Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study
K Ranyeong, Y Jaehong, K Ji-Hwan, L Hyemin, park Jooyoung, ...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, NP23222-NP23240, 2022
Health disparities among workers with standing position and limited restroom access: a cosmetics saleswomen study in South Korea
B Choi, JH Kim, J Yoon, H Lee, SS Kim
International Journal of Health Services 52 (1), 174-182, 2022
Working alone, limited restroom accessibility, and poor menstrual health among cosmetics saleswomen in South Korea
B Choi, J Yoon, JH Kim, J Yoo, G Sorensen, SS Kim
NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy 32 …, 2022
Role of SES on the association between childhood parental death and adulthood suicidal ideation: a mediation analysis using longitudinal dataset in South Korea
J Yoon, JY Kim, JH Kim, SS Kim
BMC psychiatry 21, 1-8, 2021
한국 임금 근로자의 직장 내 폭력 경험과 근골격계 증상과의 연관성에 관한 연구
윤재홍, 성효주, 김유균, 김승섭
한국산업보건학회지 25 (2), 211-219, 2015
Lack of compensation for COVID-19-related overtime work and its association with burnout among EMS providers in Korea
JH Kim, J Yoon, SJ Kim, JY Kim, J Bahk, SS Kim
Epidemiology and health 45, 2023
해고자와 복직자의 건강 비교
박주영, 윤재홍, 김승섭
보건과 사회과학 41 (1), 61-97, 2016
Gender difference in under-reporting hiring discrimination in South Korea: a machine learning approach
J Yoon, JH Kim, Y Chung, J Park, G Sorensen, SS Kim
Epidemiology and Health, e2021099, 2021
Association between interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and suicidal behaviors: a nationally-representative longitudinal cohort study in South Korea
JY Kim, J Yoon, MH Kim, SS Kim
Preventive medicine 99, 218-221, 2017
전공의들의 장시간 근무와 우울증상의 연관성에 관한 연구
JH Kim, J Yoon, SS Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 25 (2 …, 2015
Change in employment status and its causal effect on suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A marginal structural model with machine learning algorithms
J Yoon, JH Kim, Y Chung, J Park, JH Leigh, SS Kim
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 50 (3), 218, 2024
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