Andi Detti Yunianti
Andi Detti Yunianti
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Investigating the anatomical and physical-mechanical properties of the 8-year-old superior teakwood planted in Muna Island, Indonesia
AM Savero, I Wahyudi, IS Rahayu, AD Yunianti, F Ishiguri
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 48 (5), 618-630, 2020
Characteristics of bio pellets from spent coffee grounds and pinewood charcoal based on composition and grinding method
N Cahyani, AD Yunianti, KTP Pangestu, G Pari
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 51 (1), 23-37, 2023
Kualitas kayu jati klon dengan jarak tanam yang berbeda
AD Yunianti, I Wahyudi, IZ Siregar, G Pari
Jurnal Ilmu & Teknologi Kayu Tropis 9 (1), 93-100, 2011
Buku Ajar Pertumbuhan Pohon dan Kualitas Kayu
AD Yunianti, M Muin
Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2009
Modified densification process for increasing strength properties of pine and gmelina wood from community forests
AD Yunianti, P Tirtayasa, I Taskirawati, M Muin
Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology 47 (4), 418-424, 2019
Characteristics of binderless particleboard made of three species of sulawesi bamboos
S Suhasman, D Yunianti, S Saad, B Baharuddin
Wood Research Journal 4 (2), 68-71, 2013
Karakteristik struktur nano dinding sel dan kaitannya dengan sifat-sifat kayu (studi kasus kayu jati klon umur 7 tahun)
AD Yunianti
Pelatihan budidaya lebah trigona dengan teknik belah koloni dan pengenalan bentuk stup di Desa Rompegading Kabupaten Maros
S Nuraeni, B Bahtiar, AD Yunianti, B Budiaman, SH Larekeng, A Prastiyo, ...
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (3), 4555-4560, 2022
Basic properties and nanostructure of wood from four fast growing species from a community forest
AD Yunianti, S Suhasman, S Sahriyanti
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 12, 94-98, 2015
Nanostructure characteristics of cell wall and their relationship to wood quality (Case study in 7-years-old cloned teak)
AD Yunianti
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2012
Colourability of Wood and Its Effect on Bonding Strength of Laminated Wood for Handicraft Material
NW Dewindiani, AD Yunianti
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 593 (1), 012019, 2019
Wood quality of clones teak with different planting distance
AD Yunianti, I Wahyudi, IZ Siregar, G Pari
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis 9 (1), 93-100, 2011
Kandungan kimia dan dimensi serat akar, cabang dan batang bagian atas kayu gmelina dan kayu jati di hutan rakyat Sulawesi Selatan
H Syahidah, AD Yunianti
Jurnal Perennial 3 (1), 11-14, 2007
Potensi Pengembangan Budidaya Jamur Tiram Bagi Kelompok Tani Di Sekitar Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin
I Taskirawati, B Baharuddin, S Syahidah, S Nuraeni, A Agussalim, ...
Repong Damar: Jurnal Pengabdian Kehutanan dan Lingkungan 1 (1), 2022
Changes in the density, specific gravity and dimensional stability of candlenut wood (Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Willd.) from several variation temperatures with oil-heat treatment
A Azis, AD Yunianti, A Agussalim
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 935 (1), 012031, 2020
Buku Ajar Ilmu Kayu
AD Yunianti
Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin, 2020
Porositas kayu jati klon cepu dan madiun umur 7 tahun
AD Yunianti
Jurnal Perennial 8 (2), 80-83, 2012
Sound damping and sound absorption of Acacia mangium from various diameter
A Rangga, AD Yunianti, B Putranto
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 935 (1), 012033, 2020
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board Prepared from Acetylated Wood Strands
AH Iswanto, W Fatriasari, AD Yunianti, A Zailani, F Febrianto
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis 11 (2), 184-191, 2013
Karakteristik ekstrak tanin kulit kayu pinus (Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese)
S Hajriani, AD Yunianti, S Suhasman, ASRD Lestari
Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea 10 (1), 93-102, 2021
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