Kevin Raaphorst
Kevin Raaphorst
Assistant Professor of Spatial Planning at Center for Urban and Regional Research, Radboud
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The semiotics of landscape design communication: towards a critical visual research approach in landscape architecture
K Raaphorst, I Duchhart, W van der Knaap, G Roeleveld, A van den Brink
Landscape Research 42 (1), 120-133, 2017
Photographic comparison: a method for qualitative outdoor thermal perception surveys
J Cortesao, FB Alves, K Raaphorst
International Journal of Biometeorology, 2018
Reading landscape design representations as an interplay of validity, readability and interactivity: a framework for visual content analysis
K Raaphorst, G Roeleveld, I Duchhart, W van der Knaap, A van den Brink
Visual Communication, 2018
Mind the Gap: Towards a Typology of Climate Service Usability Gaps
K Raaphorst, G Koers, GJ Ellen, A Oen, B Kalsnes, L van Well, J Koerth, ...
Sustainability 12 (4), 1512, 2020
Knowing your audience: the contingency of landscape design interpretations
K Raaphorst
Journal of Urban Design, 2018
Visualization, participation and rhetoric: The discursive power of landscape design representations in participatory processes
K Raaphorst, W van der Knaap, A van den Brink, G Roeleveld
Journal of Landscape Architecture 14 (2), 42-53, 2019
The Impact of the Built Environment and Social Environment on Physical Activity: A Scoping Review
Y Wang, B Steenbergen, E van der Krabben, HJ Kooij, K Raaphorst, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (12), 6189, 2023
Mind the Gap: Towards a Typology of Climate Service Usability Gaps. Sustainability, 12 (4), 1512
K Raaphorst, G Koers, GJ Ellen, A Oen, B Kalsnes, L van Well, J Koerth, ...
Analyse debat kringlooplandbouw: Eindrapport
H Ploegmakers, KMC Raaphorst, HJ Kooij, MNC Aarts
Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 2020
Mind the gap: Towards a typology of climate service usability gaps. Sustainability, 12, 1512
K Raaphorst, G Koers, GJ Ellen, A Oen, B Kalsnes, L van Well, J Koerth, ...
More than meets the eye: a critical semiotic analysis of landscape design visualizations
K Raaphorst
PQDT-Global, 2019
A positive neighborhood walkability is associated with a higher magnitude of leisure walking in adults upon COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal cohort study
M Spoelder, MCA Schoofs, K Raaphorst, J Lakerveld, A Wagtendonk, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 20 (1), 116, 2023
The influence of the built environment on active school travel in the Netherlands: A mode choice analysis
FE Macedo, KMC Raaphorst, KE Bevelander, E van der Krabben
Multimodal Transportation 2 (4), 100103, 2023
Thriving on transdisciplinarity: Designing at the kitchen table
W van der Knaap, S Brandsma, K Raaphorst
Proceedings of the ECLAS and UNISCAPE Annual Conference, 113, 2019
'Deconstructing' the Rotterdam roof park : Multiplicity of design representations
K Raaphorst
Integral design of multifunctional flood defenses, 174 - 177, 2017
De Binnenstad als Monopolyspel: wie bezit welke panden waar in de binnenstad van Nijmegen?
HJ van Houtum, K Raaphorst, R Lugt
Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 2013
Stakeholder evaluation of the co-production process of climate services. Experiences from two case studies in Larvik (Norway) and Flensburg (Germany)
B Kalsnes, A Oen, R Frauenfelder, I Heggelund, M Vasbotten, B Vollstedt, ...
Climate Services 32, 100409, 2023
The influence of the built environment on active school travel in the Netherlands: A mode choice analysis
FE Macedo Filho, KMC Raaphorst, KE Bevelander, E Krabben
Deconstructing the semiotic landscape: A visual research method
K Raaphorst
Handbuch Methoden Visueller Kommunikation in der Räumlichen Planung, 63-78, 2021
Deliverable 3.3. Reports on execution of field trails at each case study site
G Koers, GJ Ellen, K Raaphorst, L Well, B Vollsted, J Koerth, A Oen
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