Kelsey L Deane
Kelsey L Deane
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
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Promoting doctoral students' research self-efficacy: Combining academic guidance with autonomy support
NC Overall, KL Deane, ER Peterson
Higher Education Research & Development 30 (6), 791-805, 2011
The youth adventure programming model
KL Deane, N Harré
Journal of Research on Adolescence 24 (2), 293-308, 2014
The impact of the Project K youth development program on self-efficacy: A randomized controlled trial
KL Deane, N Harré, J Moore, MGR Courtney
Journal of youth and adolescence 46, 516-537, 2017
Engagement and mentor support as drivers of social development in the project K youth development program
CM Chapman, KL Deane, N Harré, MGR Courtney, J Moore
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 46, 644-655, 2017
Comparing public perceptions of social work and social workers' expectations of the public view
B Staniforth, KL Deane, L Beddoe
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 28 (1), 13-24, 2016
Do mentor support for ethnic–racial identity and mentee cultural mistrust matter for girls of color? A preliminary investigation.
B Sánchez, J Pryce, N Silverthorn, KL Deane, DL DuBois
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 25 (4), 505, 2019
Program theory-driven evaluation science in a youth development context
KL Deane, N Harré
Evaluation and Program Planning 45, 61-70, 2014
Understanding youth mentoring relationships: Advancing the field with direct observational methods
J Pryce, KL Deane, JE Barry, TE Keller
Adolescent Research Review 6, 45-56, 2021
“It is OK to let them know you are human too”: Mentor self‐disclosure in formal youth mentoring relationships
H Dutton, P Bullen, KL Deane
Journal of Community Psychology 47 (4), 943-963, 2019
Distal and experiential perspectives of relationship quality from mentors, mentees, and program staff in a school-based youth mentoring program
H Dutton, KL Deane, P Bullen
Children and Youth Services Review 85, 53-62, 2018
Young Maori perceptions of a youth development programme
H Hollis, K Deane, J Moore, N Harre
Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 6 (1-2), 50-61, 2011
Ngā Tikanga Whānaketanga – He Arotake Tuhinga. A Review of Aotearoa New Zealand Youth Development Research
K Deane, H Dutton, E Kerekere
https://arataiohi.org.nz/research/aotearoa-youth-research/, 2019
The comparative roles of mentor self-efficacy and empathy in fostering relationship quality with youth
KL Deane, AA Boat, SA Haddock, KL Henry, TS Zimmerman, LM Weiler
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51 (4), 805-819, 2022
What constitutes globalised evidence? Cultural tensions and critical reflections of the evidence‐based movement in New Zealand
P Bullen, KL Deane, K Meissel, S Bhatnagar
International Journal of Psychology 55, 16-25, 2020
Exploring the benefits and risks of mentor self-disclosure: Relationship quality and ethics in youth mentoring
H Dutton, KL Deane, P Bullen
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 17 (1), 116-133, 2022
Getting to the heart of it: understanding mentoring relationship quality from the perspective of program supervisors
H Dutton, P Bullen, K Deane
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 26 (4), 400-419, 2018
" Looking for the blue, the yellow, all the colours of the rainbow": The value of participatory arts for young people in social work practice
A Walls, KL Deane, P O'Connor
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 28 (4), 67-79, 2016
The realities and aspirations of people experiencing food insecurity in Tāmaki Makaurau
C Neuwelt-Kearns, A Nicholls, KL Deane, H Robinson, D Lowe, R Pope, ...
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 17 (2), 135-152, 2022
Developing a thoughtful approach to evaluation: Values-driven guidelines for novice evaluators.
KL Deane, N Harre
Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 2, 53-78, 2016
Theoretically integrative evaluation practice: A step-by-step overview of an eclectic evaluation design process
KL Deane, H Dutton, P Bullen
Evaluation 26 (1), 98-118, 2020
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