Ryan Stewart
Ryan Stewart
Digital Twin Data Scientist
在 inl.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
A survey of multi-objective optimization methods and their applications for nuclear scientists and engineers
RH Stewart, TS Palmer, B DuPont
Progress in Nuclear Energy 138, 103830, 2021
A multiphysics model of the versatile test reactor based on the MOOSE framework
N Martin, R Stewart, S Bays
Annals of Nuclear Energy 172, 109066, 2022
Discrete element simulation of Pebble Bed Reactors on graphics processing units
D Reger, E Merzari, P Balestra, R Stewart, G Strydom
Annals of Nuclear Energy 190, 109896, 2023
Fuel rod burst potential evaluation under LOCA conditions for an existing plant with extended burnup exceeding the current limit by 20%
H Zhang, C Blakely, J Yu, R Stewart, M Asgari
INL/EXT-19-55888, September, 2019
Generation of localized reactor point kinetics parameters using coupled neutronic and thermal fluid models for pebble-bed reactor transient analysis
R Stewart, P Balestra, D Reger, E Merzari
Annals of Nuclear Energy 174, 109143, 2022
Digital twin to detect nuclear proliferation: A case study
C Ritter, R Hays, J Browning, R Stewart, S Bays, G Reyes, M Schanfein, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (10), 102108, 2022
An agent-based blackboard system for multi-objective optimization
R Stewart, TS Palmer, S Bays
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9 (2), 480-506, 2022
Toward an agent-based blackboard system for reactor design optimization
R Stewart, TS Palmer, S Bays
Nuclear Technology 208 (5), 822-842, 2022
A digital twin of the AGN-201 reactor to simulate nuclear proliferation
R Stewart, A Shields, C Pope, J Darrington, K Wilsdon, S Bays, K Heaps, ...
Proceedings of the INMM/ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting, 2023
Investigation of a two-year cycle pressurized water reactor core design with increased enrichment and extended burnup limits
R Stewart, C Blakely, H Zhang
Nuclear Engineering and Design 376, 111132, 2021
Neutronics enhanced meshing operations (NEMO) users manual version 1.0
J Ortensi, V Labouré, S Schunert, R Stewart
Tech. Rep., INL/MIS-20-00730,. Idaho National Laboratory, 2020
Evaluation of run 138B at experimental breeder reactor II, a prototypic liquid metal fast breeder reactor
ES Lum, C Pope, R Stewart, B Byambadorj, Q Beaulieu
International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments, 2018
High-fidelity simulations of the run-in process for a pebble-bed reactor
R Stewart, P Balestra, D Reger, E Merzari, G Strydom
Annals of Nuclear Energy 195, 110193, 2024
Examination of diversion and misuse detection for a generalized sodium-cooled fast test reactor
R Stewart, FN Gleicher, N Martin, S Bays, T Palmer, CS Ritter, G Reyes, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials Management 50 (2), 4-19, 2022
Significant quantity production rates in small modular reactors
SE Bays, GA Reyes, MJ Schanfein, RH Stewart, NP Martin
Proceedings of the INMM and ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting, 2021
Demonstrate Capability of NEAMS Tools to Generate Reactor Kinetics Parameters for Pebble-Bed HTGRs Transient Modeling
RH Stewart, D Reger, P Balestra
Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2021
A General Purpose Agent-Based Blackboard Optimization Method Applied to Sodium Fast Reactor Design and Analysis
RH Stewart
Design of an experimental breeder reactor run 138B reactor physics benchmark evaluation management application
R Stewart, E Lum, C Pope
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 57 (3), 323-334, 2020
FRIDGe: Fast Reactor Input Deck Generator
RH Stewart
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (40), 1486, 2019
Fast spectrum reactor fuel assembly sensitivity analysis
R Stewart, C Pope, E Ryan
Annals of Nuclear Energy 110, 1091-1097, 2017
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