The signal transmission mechanism on the surface of human body for body channel communication J Bae, H Cho, K Song, H Lee, HJ Yoo IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques 60 (3), 582-593, 2012 | 308 | 2012 |
A low energy injection-locked FSK transceiver with frequency-to-amplitude conversion for body sensor applications J Bae, L Yan, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-state circuits 46 (4), 928-937, 2011 | 180 | 2011 |
A 3.9 mW 25-electrode reconfigured sensor for wearable cardiac monitoring system L Yan, J Bae, S Lee, T Roh, K Song, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 46 (1), 353-364, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
A 0.24-nJ/b wireless body-area-network transceiver with scalable double-FSK modulation J Bae, K Song, H Lee, H Cho, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47 (1), 310-322, 2011 | 158 | 2011 |
A 60 kb/s–10 Mb/s adaptive frequency hopping transceiver for interference-resilient body channel communication N Cho, L Yan, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 44 (3), 708-717, 2009 | 149 | 2009 |
A 10.8 mW body channel communication/MICS dual-band transceiver for a unified body sensor network controller N Cho, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 44 (12), 3459-3468, 2009 | 139 | 2009 |
A 79 pJ/b 80 Mb/s Full-Duplex Transceiver and a $42.5\;\upmu\text {W} $100 kb/s Super-Regenerative Transceiver for Body Channel Communication H Cho, H Kim, M Kim, J Jang, Y Lee, KJ Lee, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 51 (1), 310-317, 2015 | 127 | 2015 |
An impedance and multi-wavelength near-infrared spectroscopy IC for non-invasive blood glucose estimation K Song, U Ha, S Park, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of solid-state circuits 50 (4), 1025-1037, 2015 | 121 | 2015 |
A 490uW fully MICS compatible FSK transceiver for implantable devices J Bae, N Cho, HJ Yoo 2009 Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 36-37, 2009 | 102 | 2009 |
A low-energy crystal-less double-FSK sensor node transceiver for wireless body-area network J Bae, K Song, H Lee, H Cho, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47 (11), 2678-2692, 2012 | 96 | 2012 |
A 10.4 mW electrical impedance tomography SoC for portable real-time lung ventilation monitoring system S Hong, J Lee, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 50 (11), 2501-2512, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
A 37.5/spl mu/W body channel communication wake-up receiver with injection-locking ring oscillator for wireless body area network H Cho, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (5), 1200-1208, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
A planar MICS band antenna combined with a body channel communication electrode for body sensor network N Cho, T Roh, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 57 (10), 2515-2522, 2009 | 74 | 2009 |
A wearable EEG-HEG-HRV multimodal system with simultaneous monitoring of tES for mental health management U Ha, Y Lee, H Kim, T Roh, J Bae, C Kim, HJ Yoo IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 9 (6), 758-766, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
A 45W Injection-Locked FSK Wake-Up Receiver With Frequency-to-Envelope Conversion for Crystal-Less Wireless Body Area Network J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 50 (6), 1351-1360, 2015 | 56 | 2015 |
A 5.2 mW IEEE 802.15. 6 HBC standard compatible transceiver with power efficient delay-locked-loop based BPSK demodulator H Cho, H Lee, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 50 (11), 2549-2559, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
A 60kb/s-to-10Mb/s 0.37 nJ/b adaptive-frequency-hopping transceiver for body-area network N Cho, J Lee, L Yan, J Bae, S Kim, HJ Yoo 2008 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-Digest of Technical …, 2008 | 54 | 2008 |
A four-camera VGA-resolution capsule endoscope system with 80-Mb/s body channel communication transceiver and sub-centimeter range capsule localization J Jang, J Lee, KR Lee, J Lee, M Kim, Y Lee, J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 54 (2), 538-549, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
A 5.5 mW IEEE-802.15. 6 wireless body-area-network standard transceiver for multichannel electro-acupuncture application H Lee, K Lee, S Hong, K Song, T Roh, J Bae, HJ Yoo 2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical …, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
The effects of electrode configuration on body channel communication based on analysis of vertical and horizontal electric dipoles J Bae, HJ Yoo IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (4), 1409-1420, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |