Kerberos: An authentication service for computer networks BC Neuman, T Ts'o IEEE Communications magazine 32 (9), 33-38, 1994 | 2307 | 1994 |
Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems. JG Steiner, BC Neuman, JI Schiller Usenix Winter, 191-202, 1988 | 1944 | 1988 |
The Kerberos network authentication service (V5) J Kohl, C Neuman | 1576 | 1993 |
The Kerberos network authentication service (V5) C Neuman, T Yu, S Hartman, K Raeburn | 802 | 2005 |
Proxy-based authorization and accounting for distributed systems BC Neuman [1993] Proceedings. The 13th International Conference on Distributed …, 1993 | 638 | 1993 |
Kerberos authentication and authorization system SP Miller Project Athena Technical Plan Section E. 2.1, 1988 | 507 | 1988 |
NetCash: A design for practical electronic currency on the Internet G Medvinsky, C Neuman Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications …, 1993 | 478 | 1993 |
The evolution of the Kerberos authentication service JT Kohl, BC Neuman, Y Theodore University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, 1994 | 436 | 1994 |
Scale in distributed systems BC Neuman ISI/USC, 1994 | 276 | 1994 |
Requirements for network payment: The netcheque perspective BC Neuman, G Medvinsky Digest of Papers. COMPCON'95. Technologies for the Information Superhighway …, 1995 | 273 | 1995 |
A note on the use of timestamps as nonces BC Neuman, SG Stubblebine ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 27 (2), 10-14, 1993 | 244 | 1993 |
Experience with deter: a testbed for security research T Benzel, R Braden, D Kim, C Neuman, A Joseph, K Sklower, R Ostrenga, ... 2nd International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for …, 2006 | 239 | 2006 |
A comparison of internet resource discovery approaches MF Schwartz, A Emtage, B Kahle, BC Neuman Computing Systems 5 (4), 461-493, 1992 | 215 | 1992 |
Adaptive trust negotiation and access control T Ryutov, L Zhou, C Neuman, T Leithead, KE Seamons Proceedings of the tenth ACM symposium on Access control models and …, 2005 | 154 | 2005 |
Challenges in security for cyber-physical systems C Neuman DHS workshop on future directions in cyber-physical systems security, 22-24, 2009 | 148 | 2009 |
The Prospero filesystem: A Global File System Based on the Virtual System Model BC Neumann Proc. USENIX Workshop on File Systems. May, 1992, 1992 | 131 | 1992 |
RFC1510: The Kerberos network authentication service (V5) J Kohl, C Neuman RFC Editor, 1993 | 125 | 1993 |
Integrated access control and intrusion detection for web servers T Ryutov, C Neuman, K Dongho, Z Li IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 14 (9), 841-850, 2003 | 122 | 2003 |
Endorsements, licensing, and insurance for distributed system services G Medvinsky, C Lai, BC Neuman Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications …, 1994 | 100 | 1994 |
Design, Deployment, and Use of the DETER Testbed. T Benzel, R Braden, D Kim, AD Joseph, BC Neuman, R Ostrenga, ... DETER, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |