Baburao Kamble
Baburao Kamble
在 unl.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Estimating crop coefficients using remote sensing-based vegetation index
B Kamble, A Kilic, K Hubbard
Remote sensing 5 (4), 1588-1602, 2013
Evapotranspiration data assimilation with genetic algorithms and SWAP model for on-demand irrigation
A Irmak, B Kamble
Irrigation science 28, 101-112, 2009
EEFlux: A Landsat-based Evapotranspiration mapping tool on the Google Earth Engine. In 2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation
RG Allen, C Morton, B Kamble, A Kilic, J Huntington, D Thau, N Gorelick, ...
Conference Proceedings, 1-11, 2015
Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration with a satellite remote sensing procedure
A Irmak, I Ratcliffe, P Ranade, KG Hubbard, RK Singh, B Kamble, ...
Great plains research, 73-88, 2011
Sensitivity of evapotranspiration retrievals from the METRIC processing algorithm to improved radiometric resolution of Landsat 8 thermal data and to calibration bias in …
A Kilic, R Allen, R Trezza, I Ratcliffe, B Kamble, C Robison, D Ozturk
Remote Sensing of Environment 185, 198-209, 2016
Operational remote sensing of ET and challenges
A Irmak, RG Allen, J Kjaersgaard, J Huntington, B Kamble, R Trezza, ...
Evapotranspiration—Remote Sensing and Modeling, 467-492, 2012
Comparison of the automatically calibrated Google Evapotranspiration Application—EEFlux and the manually calibrated METRIC application
F Foolad, P Blankenau, A Kilic, RG Allen, JL Huntington, TA Erickson, ...
Preprints, 2018
Evapotranspiration: Remote sensing and modeling
A Irmak
BoD–Books on Demand, 2012
Irrigation scheduling using remote sensing data assimilation approach
B Kamble, A Irmak, K Hubbard, P Gowda
Advances in Remote Sensing 2 (03), 258, 2013
Remote sensing and in situ-based estimates of evapotranspiration for subirrigated meadow, dry valley, and upland dune ecosystems in the semi-arid sand hills of Nebraska, USA
NC Healey, A Irmak, TJ Arkebauer, DP Billesbach, JD Lenters, ...
Irrigation and drainage systems 25, 151-178, 2011
Assimilating remote sensing-based ET into SWAP model for improved estimation of hydrological predictions
B Kamble, A Irmak
IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2008
Remote sensing and hydrology
CMU Neale, MH Cosh
IAHS Press, 2012
Satellite based energy balance approach to assess riparian water use
B Kamble, A Irmak, DL Martin, KG Hubbard, I Ratcliffe, G Hergert, ...
Evapotranspiration—An Overview; InTech: Reijaka, Croatia, 79-95, 2013
Combining remote sensing measurements and model estimates through hybrid data assimilation scheme to predict hydrological fluxes
B Kamble, A Irmak
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008
GIPE in GRASS Raster Addons
B Kamble, YH Chemin
Remotely sensed evapotranspiration data assimilation for crop growth modeling
B Kamble, A Irmak
Evapotranspiration. InTech, 195-208, 2011
EEFlux: a Landsat-based evapotranspiration mapping tool on the Google Earth Engine, ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation-A Tribute to …
RG Allen, C Morton, B Kamble, A Kilic, J Huntington, D Thau, N Gorelick, ...
Conference Proceedings. https://doi. org/10.13031/irrig. 20152143511, 2015
Seasonal evapotranspiration mapping using Landsat visible and thermal data with an energy balance approach in central Nebraska
A Irmak, I Ratcliffe, P Ranade, JS Irmak, RG Allen, J Kjaersgaard, ...
IAHS-AISH publication 352, 84-88, 2012
Sensitivity of evapotranspiration retrievals from the METRIC processing algorithm to improved
A Kilic, R Allen, R Trezza, I Ratcliffe, B Kamble, C Robison, D Ozturk
Google Earth Engine App for Residential Water Use and Preservation
A Kilic, D Ozturk, S Ortega, B Kamble, I Ratcliffe, R Allen, T Thau, ...
USGS: Reston, VA, USA, 2015
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