professeur émérite géosciences université de Rouen
在 univ-rouen.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
The arid–humid transition in the Sahara and the Sahel during the last deglaciation
F Gasse, R Téhet, A Durand, E Gibert, JC Fontes
Nature 346 (6280), 141, 1990
Monitoring organic matter dynamics in soil profiles by ‘Rock‐Eval pyrolysis’: bulk characterization and quantification of degradation
D Sebag, JR Disnar, B Guillet, C Di Giovanni, EP Verrecchia, A Durand
European Journal of Soil Science 57 (3), 344-355, 2006
Long‐term hydrological changes of the Seine River flow (France) and their relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation over the period 1950–2008
N Massei, B Laignel, J Deloffre, J Mesquita, A Motelay, R Lafite, A Durand
International journal of Climatology 30 (14), 2146-2154, 2010
Oscillations of Lake Chad over the past 50,000 years: New data and new hypothesis
A Durand
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 39 (1-2), 37-53, 1982
The continental terminal in West Africa
J Lang, C Kogbe, S Alidou, KA Alzouma, G Bellion, D Dubois, A Durand, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 10 (1-2), 79-99, 1990
Investigating possible links between the North Atlantic Oscillation and rainfall variability in northwestern France over the past 35 years
N Massei, A Durand, J Deloffre, JP Dupont, D Valdes, B Laignel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D9), 2007
Palynofacies as useful tool to study origins and transfers of particulate organic matter in recent terrestrial environments: Synopsis and prospects
D Sebag, Y Copard, C Di-Giovanni, A Durand, B Laignel, S Ogier, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 79 (3-4), 241-259, 2006
Le nord-ouest du Lac Tchad au Quaternaire: etude de paleoenvironnements alluviaux, eoliens, palustres et lacustres
A Durand, JC Fontes, F Gasse, M Icole, J Lang
Palaeoecology of Africa 16 (1984), 215-243, 1984
Approche critique des methodes de reconstitution paleoclimatique; le Sahel nigero-tchadien depuis 40 000 ans
A Durand, J Lang
Bulletin de la Societé geologique de France 2 (2), 267-278, 1986
Evolution paléogéographique et paléoclimatique du bassin tchadien au Pléistocène supérieur
A Durand, P Mathieu
Revue de Géologie Dynamique et de Géographie Physique 22 (4-5), 329-341, 1980
Influence of paleotopography, base level and sedimentation rate on estuarine system response to the Holocene sea-level rise: the example of the Marais Vernier, Seine estuary …
M Frouin, D Sebag, A Durand, B Laignel, JF Saliege, BJ Mahler, ...
Sedimentary Geology 200 (1-2), 15-29, 2007
The natural hydrous sodium silicates from the northern bank of Lake Chad: occurrence, petrology and genesis
D Sebag, EP Verrecchia, SJ Lee, A Durand
Sedimentary Geology 139 (1), 15-31, 2001
Sédiments quaternaires et changements climatiques au Sahel central (Niger et Tchad)
A Durand
Africa Geoscience Review 2 (3), 4, 1995
Inventory of sedimentary organic matter in modern wetland (Marais Vernier, Normandy, France) as source-indicative tools to study Holocene alluvial deposits (Lower Seine Valley …
D Sebag, C Di Giovanni, S Ogier, V Mesnage, F Laggoun-Défarge, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 67 (1-2), 1-16, 2006
Links between NAO fluctuations and inter-annual variability of winter-months precipitation in the Seine River watershed (north-western France)
N Fritier, N Massei, B Laignel, A Durand, B Dieppois, J Deloffre
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 344 (8), 396-405, 2012
Multidecadal climate variability over northern France during the past 500 years and its relation to large‐scale atmospheric circulation
B Dieppois, DM Lawler, V Slonosky, N Massei, S Bigot, M Fournier, ...
International Journal of Climatology 36 (15), 4679-4696, 2016
Links between multidecadal and interdecadal climatic oscillations in the North Atlantic and regional climate variability of northern France and England since the 17th century
B Dieppois, A Durand, M Fournier, N Massei
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (10), 4359-4372, 2013
Carbon sinks in small Sahelian lakes as an unexpected effect of land use changes since the 1960s (Saga Gorou and Dallol Bosso, SW Niger)
RM Obame, Y Copard, D Sebag, AA Touré, M Boussafir, V Bichet, ...
Catena 114, 1-10, 2014
Low-frequency variability and zonal contrast in Sahel rainfall and Atlantic sea surface temperature teleconnections during the last century
B Dieppois, A Durand, M Fournier, A Diedhiou, B Fontaine, N Massei, ...
Theoretical and applied climatology 121 (1-2), 139-155, 2015
Quasi‐decadal signals of Sahel rainfall and West African monsoon since the mid‐twentieth century
B Dieppois, A Diedhiou, A Durand, M Fournier, N Massei, D Sebag, Y Xue, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (22), 12,587-12,599, 2013
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