Endarto Y. Wardhono
Endarto Y. Wardhono
在 untirta.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Heterogeneous deacetylation reaction of chitin under low-frequency ultrasonic irradiation
EY Wardhono, MP Pinem, I Kustiningsih, M Effendy, D Clausse, K Saleh, ...
Carbohydrate polymers 267, 118180, 2021
Development of polylactic acid (PLA) bio-composite films reinforced with bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (BCNC) without any surface modification
EY Wardhono, N Kanani
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2020
Cellulose nanocrystals to improve stability and functional properties of emulsified film based on chitosan nanoparticles and beeswax
EY Wardhono, MP Pinem, I Kustiningsih, S Agustina, F Oudet, C Lefebvre, ...
Nanomaterials 9 (12), 1707, 2019
Ultrasonic irradiation coupled with microwave treatment for eco-friendly process of isolating bacterial cellulose nanocrystals
EY Wardhono, H Wahyudi, S Agustina, F Oudet, MP Pinem, D Clausse, ...
Nanomaterials 8 (10), 859, 2018
Nanofluid to nanocomposite film: Chitosan and cellulose-based edible packaging
MP Pinem, EY Wardhono, F Nadaud, D Clausse, K Saleh, E Guénin
Nanomaterials 10 (4), 660, 2020
Types and composition of biomass in biocoke synthesis with the coal blending method
E Yustanti, EY Wardhono, AT Mursito, A Alhamidi
Energies 14 (20), 6570, 2021
A simple process of isolation microcrystalline cellulose using ultrasonic irradiation
EY Wardhono, N Kanani, A Alfirano
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 41 (8), 1217-1226, 2020
Formation and determination of the amount of ice formed in water dispersed in various materials
D Clausse, EY Wardhono, JL Lanoiselle
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 460, 519-526, 2014
Modification of physio-mechanical properties of chitosan-based films via physical treatment approach
EY Wardhono, MP Pinem, S Susilo, BJ Siom, A Sudrajad, A Pramono, ...
Polymers 14 (23), 5216, 2022
Optimization of the formulation of water in oil emulsions entrapping polysaccharide by increasing the amount of water and the stability
EY Wardhono, A Zafimahova‐Ratisbonne, JL Lanoiselle, K Saleh, ...
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 92 (7), 1189-1196, 2014
Stability of W/O emulsions encapsulating polysaccharides
A Zafimahova-Ratisbonne, EY Wardhono, JL Lanoisellé, K Saleh, ...
Journal of dispersion science and technology 35 (1), 38-47, 2014
Pengaruh penambahan PLA pada pati terplastisasi gliserol terhadap sifat mekanik blend film
R Rahmayetty, N Kanani, EY Wardhono
Prosiding Semnastek, 2018
W/O emulsion destabilization and release of a polysaccharide entrapped in the droplets
EY Wardhono, A Zafimahova-Ratisbonne, K Saleh, D Clausse, ...
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 37 (11), 1581-1589, 2016
Droplet behavior of chitosan film-forming solution on the solid surface
MP Pinem, EY Wardhono, D Clausse, K Saleh, E Guénin
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 41, 26-33, 2022
Pengaruh Temperatur Pengeringan Terhadap Swelling Dan Tensile Strength Edible Film Hasil Pemanfaatan Pati Limbah Kulit Singkong
N Kanani, W Wardalia, E Wardhono, R Rusdi
Jurnal Konversi 6 (2), 75-82, 2017
Pengaruh penambahan FeCl3 dan Al2O3 terhadap kadar lignin pada delignifikasi tongkol jagung dengan pelarut NaOH menggunakan bantuan gelombang ultrasonik
N Kanani, R Rahmayetty, EY Wardhono
Prosiding Semnastek, 2018
Preparation and characterization of blend film based on chitosan-poly lactic acid (PLA) composites
N Kanani, R Rahmayetty, EY Wardhono, W Wardalia
AIP Conference Proceedings 2370 (1), 2021
Ultrasonic irradiation as a mild and efficient protocol for the demineralization of chitin from shrimp shell wastes
N Kanani, T Kurniawan, W Kosimaningrum, Y Meliana, E Wardhono
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 43, 359-368, 2023
Pengaruh penambahan kalium permanganat (KMnO4) terhadap umur simpan buah pisang yang tersalut oleh coating berbasis chitosan
S Meysyaranta, M Effendy, EY Wardhono
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia 7 (1), 16-27, 2022
Synthesys and Characterization of PLA-CNC Matrix for Antidiabetic Drug Release Applications
N Kanani, Y Meliana, EY Wardhono, R Rahmayetty, S Agustina, ...
Materials Science Forum 988, 169-174, 2020
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