Rana Muhammad Adnan Ikram
Rana Muhammad Adnan Ikram
Research Professor, Hohai University
在 mnsuam.edu.pk 的电子邮件经过验证
Monthly runoff forecasting based on LSTM–ALO model
X Yuan, C Chen, X Lei, Y Yuan, R Muhammad Adnan
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 32, 2199-2212, 2018
Least square support vector machine and multivariate adaptive regression splines for streamflow prediction in mountainous basin using hydro-meteorological data as inputs
RM Adnan, Z Liang, S Heddam, M Zounemat-Kermani, O Kisi, B Li
Journal of Hydrology 586, 124371, 2020
Daily streamflow prediction using optimally pruned extreme learning machine
RM Adnan, Z Liang, S Trajkovic, M Zounemat-Kermani, B Li, O Kisi
Journal of Hydrology 577, 123981, 2019
An extended NSGA-III for solution multi-objective hydro-thermal-wind scheduling considering wind power cost
X Yuan, H Tian, Y Yuan, Y Huang, RM Ikram
Energy Conversion and Management 96, 568-578, 2015
Improving streamflow prediction using a new hybrid ELM model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimization and grey wolf optimization
RM Adnan, RR Mostafa, O Kisi, ZM Yaseen, S Shahid, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 230, 107379, 2021
The viability of extended marine predators algorithm-based artificial neural networks for streamflow prediction
RMA Ikram, AA Ewees, KS Parmar, ZM Yaseen, S Shahid, O Kisi
Applied Soft Computing 131, 109739, 2022
Modelling reference evapotranspiration by combining neuro‑fuzzy and evolutionary strategies
AK Meysam Alizamir, Ozgur Kisi, Rana Muhammad Adnan
Acta Geophysica, 1-14, 2020
Short term rainfall-runoff modelling using several machine learning methods and a conceptual event-based model
RM Adnan, A Petroselli, S Heddam, CAG Santos, O Kisi
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35 (3), 597-616, 2021
Pan evaporation modeling by three different neuro-fuzzy intelligent systems using climatic inputs
RM Adnan, A Malik, A Kumar, KS Parmar, O Kisi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 12, 1-14, 2019
Estimating reference evapotranspiration using hybrid adaptive fuzzy inferencing coupled with heuristic algorithms
RM Adnan, RR Mostafa, ARMT Islam, O Kisi, A Kuriqi, S Heddam
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 191, 106541, 2021
Modeling monthly streamflow in mountainous basin by MARS, GMDH-NN and DENFIS using hydroclimatic data
RM Adnan, Z Liang, KS Parmar, K Soni, O Kisi
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 2853-2871, 2021
Streamflow forecasting using artificial neural network and support vector machine models
RM Adnan, X Yuan, O Kisi, Y Yuan
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and …, 2017
Application of improved version of multi verse optimizer algorithm for modeling solar radiation
RMA Ikram, HL Dai, AA Ewees, J Shiri, O Kisi, M Zounemat-Kermani
Energy Reports 8, 12063-12080, 2022
Comparison of different methodologies for rainfall–runoff modeling: machine learning vs conceptual approach
RM Adnan, A Petroselli, S Heddam, CAG Santos, O Kisi
Natural Hazards 105, 2987-3011, 2021
Prediction of suspended sediment load using data-driven models
RM Adnan, Z Liang, A El-Shafie, M Zounemat-Kermani, O Kisi
Water 11 (10), 2060, 2019
Development of new machine learning model for streamflow prediction: Case studies in Pakistan
RM Adnan, RR Mostafa, A Elbeltagi, ZM Yaseen, S Shahid, O Kisi
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-35, 2022
Snowmelt Runoff Modelling under Projected Climate Change Patterns in the Gilgit River Basin of Northern Pakistan.
M Adnan, G Nabi, S Kang, G Zhang, RM Adnan, MN Anjum, M Iqbal, ...
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 26 (2), 2017
The potential of a novel support vector machine trained with modified mayfly optimization algorithm for streamflow prediction
RM Adnan, O Kisi, RR Mostafa, AN Ahmed, A El-Shafie
Hydrological Sciences Journal 67 (2), 161-174, 2022
Stream flow forecasting of poorly gauged mountainous watershed by least square support vector machine, fuzzy genetic algorithm and M5 model tree using climatic data from nearby …
RM Adnan, X Yuan, O Kisi, M Adnan, A Mehmood
Water Resources Management 32, 4469-4486, 2018
Improving accuracy of river flow forecasting using LSSVR with gravitational search algorithm
RM Adnan, X Yuan, O Kisi, R Anam
Advances in Meteorology 2017 (1), 2391621, 2017
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