Rishav Goyal
Rishav Goyal
Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales
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Historical and projected changes in the Southern Hemisphere surface westerlies
R Goyal, A Sen Gupta, M Jucker, MH England
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (4), e2020GL090849, 2021
Reduction in surface climate change achieved by the 1987 Montreal Protocol
R Goyal, MH England, A Sen Gupta, M Jucker
Environmental Research Letters 14 (12), 124041, 2019
Zonal wave 3 pattern in the Southern Hemisphere generated by tropical convection
R Goyal, M Jucker, A Sen Gupta, HH Hendon, MH England
Nature Geoscience 14 (10), 732-738, 2021
Interactions between a marine heatwave and Tropical Cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal in 2020
S Rathore, R Goyal, B Jangir, CC Ummenhofer, M Feng, M Mishra
Frontiers in Climate 4, 861477, 2022
A new zonal wave-3 index for the Southern Hemisphere
R Goyal, M Jucker, AS Gupta, MH England
Journal of Climate 35 (15), 5137-5149, 2022
Ozone‐forced southern annular mode during Antarctic stratospheric warming events
M Jucker, R Goyal
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (4), e2021GL095270, 2022
Generation of the Amundsen Sea low by Antarctic orography
R Goyal, M Jucker, A Sen Gupta, MH England
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (4), e2020GL091487, 2021
Role of multiple equatorial waves on cyclogenesis over Bay of Bengal
K Landu, R Goyal, BS Keshav
Climate Dynamics 54, 2287-2296, 2020
Zonal wave 3 pattern in the Southern Hemisphere generated by tropical convection. Nat. Geosci., 14, 732–738
R Goyal, M Jucker, AS Gupta, HH Hendon, MH England
Response of Southern Hemisphere western boundary current regions to future zonally symmetric and asymmetric atmospheric changes
R Goyal, MH England, M Jucker, A Sen Gupta
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (11), e2021JC017858, 2021
Interactions between a marine heatwave and Tropical Cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal in 2020. Front. Climate, 4, 861477
S Rathore, R Goyal, B Jangir, CC Ummenhofer, M Feng, M Mishra
Inter-comparison of model, satellite and in situ tropical cyclone heat potential in the North Indian Ocean
B Jangir, D Swain, SK Ghose, R Goyal, TVSU Bhaskar
Natural Hazards 102, 557-574, 2020
Combined Impacts of Southern Annular Mode and Zonal Wave 3 on Antarctic Sea Ice Variability
MD Eabry, R Goyal, AS Taschetto, W Hobbs, A Sen Gupta
Journal of Climate 37 (5), 1759-1775, 2024
Understanding Extremes in Southern Hemispheric Zonal Wave-3 and their Impact on Sea-ice Distribution around Antarctica
S Trivedi, R Goyal, MN Raphael
AGU23, 2023
Drivers of the sudden Antarctic sea-ice decline events
R Goyal, AS Gupta, M England, M Jucker
EGU23, 2023
A Simple Characterization of Sea Surface Temperature Patterns that Represent the Seasonal Evolution of El Niño Southern Oscillation Flavors
J Mindlin, R Goyal, SI Hurtado, RG Tedeschi, M Zilli
Fall Meeting 2022, 2022
Stratospheric Ozone Changes and Climate, Chapter 5 in WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022
H Garny, H Hendon, M Abalos, G Chiodo, A Purich, W Randel, K Smith, ...
GAW Report No. 278, 509 pp., WMO, Geneva, 2022., 2022
Generation of the Amundsen Sea Low by Antarctic orography
R Goyal, M Jucker, AS Gupta, MH England
Authorea Preprints, 2022
The Tropospheric Impact of Stratospheric Ozone Anomalies during Antarctic Vortex Weakening Events
M Jucker, R Goyal
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2022
Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere extratropical atmospheric circulation
R Goyal
UNSW Sydney, 2022
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