The process of economic development: introducing some stylized facts and theories on technologies, firms and institutions G Dosi, C Freeman, S Fabiani Industrial and corporate change 3 (1), 1-45, 1994 | 436 | 1994 |
The pricing behaviour of firms in the euro area: New survey evidence S Fabiani, M Druant, I Hernando, C Kwapil, B Landau, C Loupias, ... | 300 | 2005 |
What firms' surveys tell us about price-setting behavior in the Euro area S Fabiani, M Druant, I Hernando, C Kwapil, B Landau, C Loupias, ... | 292 | 2006 |
ICT adoption in Italian manufacturing: firm-level evidence S Fabiani, F Schivardi, S Trento Industrial and Corporate Change 14 (2), 225-249, 2005 | 280 | 2005 |
How are firms' wages and prices linked: survey evidence in Europe M Druant, S Fabiani, G Kezdi, A Lamo, F Martins, R Sabbatini National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, 2009 | 200 | 2009 |
A system approach for measuring the euro area NAIRU S Fabiani, R Mestre Empirical Economics 29, 311-341, 2004 | 141 | 2004 |
The dynamics of international differentiation: a multi-country evolutionary model G Dosi, S Fabiani, R Aversi, M Meacci Industrial and corporate change 3 (1), 225-242, 1994 | 132 | 1994 |
Firms' price and wage adjustment in Europe: Survey evidence on nominal stickiness M Druant, S Fabiani, G Kezdi, A Lamo, F Martins, R Sabbatini Labour Economics 19 (5), 772-782, 2012 | 130 | 2012 |
Alternative measures of the NAIRU in the euro area: estimates and assessment S Fabiani, R Mestre Available at SSRN 355541, 2000 | 120 | 2000 |
Pricing decisions in the euro area: how firms set prices and why S Fabiani OUP USA, 2007 | 118 | 2007 |
The Pricing Behavior of Italian Firms S Fabiani, A Gattulli, R Sabbatini Pricing Decisions in the Euro Area: How Firms Set Prices and Why, 110, 2007 | 114 | 2007 |
What’s behind “inflation perceptions”? A survey-based analysis of Italian consumers P Del Giovane, S Fabiani, R Sabbatini The Euro, Inflation and Consumer’s Perceptions: Lessons from Italy, 157-197, 2008 | 108 | 2008 |
Convergence of prices and rates of inflation F Busetti, S Fabiani, A Harvey Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, 863-877, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Education, infrastructure, geography and growth: an empirical analysis of the development of Italian provinces S Fabiani, G Pellegrini Banca Italia-Servizio di Studi Papers, 1997 | 97 | 1997 |
L’efficienza delle imprese nei distretti industriali italiani S Fabiani, G Pellegrini, E Romagnano, LF Signorini Lo sviluppo locale. Un’indagine della Banca d’Italia sui distretti …, 2000 | 92 | 2000 |
Consumer price behaviour in Italy: Evidence from micro CPI data G Veronese, S Fabiani, A Gattulli, R Sabbatini Available at SSRN 668249, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Convergence and divergence in the long-term growth of open economies G Dosi, S Fabiani The Economics of Growth and Technical Change: Technologies, Nations, Agents …, 1994 | 81 | 1994 |
European firm adjustment during times of economic crisis S Fabiani, A Lamo, J Messina, T Rõõm IZA Journal of Labor Policy 4, 1-28, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
The pro-competitive effect of imports from China: an analysis of firm-level price data M Bugamelli, S Fabiani, E Sette Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 737, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
Un'analisi quantitativa delle imprese nei distretti industriali italiani: redditività, produttività e costo del lavoro S Fabiani, G Pellegrini L'industria 19 (4), 811-832, 1998 | 67 | 1998 |