Eva Padrosa
Eva Padrosa
ESIMar (Mar Nursing School), Parc de Salut Mar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra- affiliated
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COVID-19 and precarious employment: consequences of the evolving crisis
N Matilla-Santander, E Ahonen, M Albin, S Baron, M Bolíbar, K Bosmans, ...
International Journal of Health Services 51 (2), 226-228, 2021
Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce
J Jonsson, C Muntaner, T Bodin, M Alderling, R Balogh, B Burström, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 47 (7), 509, 2021
Measuring precarious employment in the European Working Conditions Survey: psychometric properties and construct validity in Spain
E Padrosa, F Belvis, J Benach, M Julià
Quality & Quantity 55 (2), 543-562, 2021
Precarious employment, psychosocial risk factors and poor mental health: A cross-sectional mediation analysis
FM Rivero, E Padrosa, M Utzet, J Benach, M Julià
Safety science 143, 105439, 2021
Comparing precarious employment across countries: measurement invariance of the employment precariousness scale for Europe (EPRES-E)
E Padrosa, M Bolibar, M Julià, J Benach
Social Indicators Research 154 (3), 893-915, 2021
Precarious employment and mental health across European welfare states: a gender perspective
E Padrosa, C Vanroelen, C Muntaner, J Benach, M Julià
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 95 (7), 1463 …, 2022
Non-standard employment and unemployment during the COVID-19 crisis: economic and health findings from a six-country survey study
V Gunn, A Vives, A Zaupa, JC Hernando-Rodriguez, M Julià, S Kvart, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (10), 5865, 2022
Precarious employment and stress: The biomedical embodiment of social factors. PRESSED project study protocol
M Bolibar, FX Belvis, P Jódar, A Vives, F Méndez, X Bartoll-Roca, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 649447, 2021
Experiences of insecurity among non-standard workers across different welfare states: A qualitative cross-country study
K Bosmans, EF Vignola, V Álvarez-López, M Julià, EQ Ahonen, M Bolíbar, ...
Social Science & Medicine 327, 115970, 2023
Disentangling youth non-compliance with COVID-19 restrictions from gender, socioeconomic vulnerability and poor mental health: lessons from the first wave in Catalonia
E Padrosa, M Bolíbar
Journal of Youth Studies 26 (6), 786-802, 2023
Moral Breakdowns and Ethical Dilemmas of Perioperative Nurses during COVID-19: COREQ-Compliant Study
A Sillero Sillero, R Ayuso Margañon, M Gil Poisa, N Buil, E Padrosa, ...
Healthcare 11 (13), 1937, 2023
Unequal access? Use of sickness absence benefits by precariously employed workers with common mental disorders: a register-based cohort study in Sweden
JC Hernando-Rodriguez, N Matilla-Santander, C Murley, K Blindow, ...
BMJ open 13 (7), e072459, 2023
Precarious employment and mental health in the Belgian service voucher system: the role of working conditions and perceived financial strain
C Vanroelen, E Padrosa Sayeras, J Gevaert, K Huegaerts, M Vos, ...
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 97 (4), 435-450, 2024
Non-standard employment and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: a qualitative study
E Padrosa, M Julià, M Bolíbar, M Gutiérrez-Zamora, A Escrig-Piñol, ...
European Journal of Public Health 32 (Supplement_3), ckac131. 268, 2022
Can psychosocial risk factors mediate the association between precarious employment and mental health problems in Sweden? Results from a register-based study
F Méndez-Rivero, N Matilla-Santander, V Gunn, DH Wegman, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 50 (4), 268, 2024
Precarious employment and mental health in Europe: Development, validation, and association with mental health of a novel cross-national measure
E Padrosa Sayeras
Precarious employment and mental health across European welfare states: a gender perspective
E Padrosa Sayeras, C Vanroelen, C Muntaner, J Benach, M Julià Pérez
Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2022 Sep; 95 (7): 1463-80, 2022
Jóvenes, exclusión socio-laboral y desigualdades en salud: implicaciones de la triple crisis social, económica y sanitaria de la COVID-19 para la juventud de Cataluña
MB Planas
La juventud en época de confinamiento. La verdadera sindemia en este sector …, 2021
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